View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Couch Flash

27-02-18, 17:41

Just trying to couch flash to 5.1.019. I did this to 5.1.018 and it worked fine, but now the Flash Image is stuck half way and the below bar says Wait until E2 is stopped. I didn’t want to turn it off in case it did something to the box? Do I leave it to finish or has it hung. It’s been like this for over 30 mins now.

Thank you for any help.....

27-02-18, 17:44
Something has gone wrong. Power off and power back on again. You could have done just a simple Software Update as apposed to a Couch Flash though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-02-18, 17:48
Seems to hang my box when I do that. I just get the spinny wheel of doom in the top left corner.

Ok, I’ll power off and see how I get on.

27-02-18, 18:08

Just trying to couch flash to 5.1.019. I did this to 5.1.018 and it worked fine, but now the Flash Image is stuck half way and the below bar says Wait until E2 is stopped. I didn’t want to turn it off in case it did something to the box? Do I leave it to finish or has it hung. It’s been like this for over 30 mins now.

Thank you for any help.....

It stops E2 before completing the flashing of the receiver, so no damage should be done. Usually means something was running like a timer event ..... but switching off, rebooting and re-running the couch flash should be fine.

27-02-18, 19:10
Thank you all for you help. All done..... ����
I’ve had this box for a couple of years, but only run OpenVix for the last 6 months or so. I’ve not done anything great on it. Picons installed and a cache flush plugin. Is there anything else I should be doing? Reason I ask is that my box seems to hang every other day’ish. The picture continues to play, but the box is unresponsive and I get the spinny circle in the top left. It doesn’t respond to a ping either. I have disabled background check for updates, didn’t know if it was that causing the problem. The only way to fix it is Off/On.

Thank you for any advice.....

27-02-18, 20:21
It’s sounds like a plugin that could be causing the issue. What skin do you have?
Also where are you storing your epg?

27-02-18, 20:27
Thank you all for you help. All done..... ����
I’ve had this box for a couple of years, but only run OpenVix for the last 6 months or so. I’ve not done anything great on it. Picons installed and a cache flush plugin. Is there anything else I should be doing? Reason I ask is that my box seems to hang every other day’ish. The picture continues to play, but the box is unresponsive and I get the spinny circle in the top left. It doesn’t respond to a ping either. I have disabled background check for updates, didn’t know if it was that causing the problem. The only way to fix it is Off/On.

Thank you for any advice.....

Picons installed where?? .... and I don‘t know this receiver, so don’t know if it would help, but I am not very keen on cache flush plugins, they get used when there is no need.

27-02-18, 20:36
It stops E2 before completing the flashing of the receiver...[It stops it before starting the flash.
Before the actual flash begins it needs to have shut everything down and be running entirely from memory (RAM) as it will have no file system at all.

27-02-18, 21:49
I’d setup a swap file if I was you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-02-18, 22:06
It’s sounds like a plugin that could be causing the issue. What skin do you have?
Also where are you storing your epg?

The skin I have installed is the Blue HD and the RPG is stored on the HDD.
Picons are just the ones from the Plugins menu.
I only installed the Cache Flush plugin, thinking it would fix my crashing error, but it does exactly the same with it installed.

27-02-18, 22:33
The skin I have installed is the Blue HD and the RPG is stored on the HDD.
Picons are just the ones from the Plugins menu.
I only installed the Cache Flush plugin, thinking it would fix my crashing error, but it does exactly the same with it installed.
So where are the picons???

27-02-18, 23:16
So where are the picons???

As there is only a disk installed in this unit, I’m guessing on there, if that is what you mean.

27-02-18, 23:38
do you have a usb stick inserted for recording what size and would ask if it needs to be setup for use,unsure also with this box?

28-02-18, 00:10
As there is only a disk installed in this unit, I’m guessing on there, if that is what you mean.Possibly not a good place to put them as the hdd may need to spin up before they can be read, which will slow down any initial EPG or Movie List display.
But if you've put lots of things onto the flash memory there may not be enough space left to unpack the image for flashing.
If you go to Menu->Information->Memory you can find put how much free space you have in FLASH.

28-02-18, 07:47
No USB attached, just a HDD, which is what is used for everything. Record/EPG. It’s a 1Tb disk. Should I maybe move the EPG to a USB Pen?
Memory details :
Total : 137048
Free : 11120
Buffers : 356
Cached : 18504
Swap : 0
Flash Memory
Total : 163.4
Free : 76.8

Again, thank you for your time and patience.

28-02-18, 08:02
I would move the picons to a usb, stop waking up the HDD.... and causing delays. EPG is (I believe) loaded into memory at startup

28-02-18, 09:15
picons on usb stick and EPG may stay on HDD cause it is only loaded on startup.

28-02-18, 10:35
Ok, I have installed a USB. I have mounted it as /media/usb. I have also move the EPG location to this. I uninstalled the Picons, then tried to install on the USB, but the only locations that show are the HDD or Flash.
Am I missing something?

28-02-18, 12:02
With picon folder make sure it is all lower case ... and also is not present elsewhere (use filezilla and do a search on picon!) -delete other copies

28-02-18, 12:08
You will need to format the usb stick as EXT4 with the receiver before it will allow you to install the picon pack there.

28-02-18, 12:37
You will need to format the usb stick as EXT4 with the receiver before it will allow you to install the picon pack there.

Can you guide me on how to do this? I did look through the menus, but couldn’t see a format.

28-02-18, 13:11
Sorry it's called initialize. Menu->setup->storage->initialize devices. You can manually put picons on a fat32 device but using the ipk installation method it must be ext4.

28-02-18, 13:16
Ok. I’ve got to that screen. I select the flash drive, it shows me the Model/Capacity/Bus, but that is it. There is a Red button, but with no description. When I exit, rather than going back through the menu levels, it jumps all the way out.

28-02-18, 13:53
Green button is initialize. maybe a skin problem.

28-02-18, 14:27
Ah, nice one, that worked. Thank you.
Right, that has now been initialised.
EPG set to /media/usb
Picons uninstalled. Restarted.
Installing Picons. Selected the one, then froze on Installation.
Trying again.
Question tho. How big a USB do I need? I’ve used a 16Gb.

28-02-18, 14:33
16Gb is more than adequate. It may not have frozen - it may still be downloading the pack. I hope you are not killing the power to restart the box.

28-02-18, 14:38
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm................... Maybe........ But only because that is usually a sign that it has hung. Also, I couldn’t access the web gui.
Used the switch at the back.
It’s done it again, so will leave it for a while.

28-02-18, 14:41
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm................... Maybe........ But only because that is usually a sign that it has hung. Also, I couldn’t access the web gui.
Used the switch at the back.
It’s done it again, so will leave it for a while.
Downloading takes a while ... which is why I set everything up on the PC (where I keep the "master" copy) and then copy to the usb

28-02-18, 14:53
Ok. So, in that case, where can I download the file that I’m downloading on the SatBox?

28-02-18, 14:59
The next time you think it has frozen try to connect by telnet. On a windows computer you can use putty. Have a read of this thread if you are not sure of the commands http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?344-Common-used-Unix-Linux-telnet-commands

You can do permanent damage by hitting the power switch with the receiver running. If you cant access by telnet then you have no choice but avoid the power switch if possible.

28-02-18, 15:35
Can’t putty, box must have died. I’ll try again to the Flash drive.

28-02-18, 18:05
Ok, so every time I tried to download, it crashed. So, I have downloaded the file and done the local install. All working off of the Flash.
It was still crashing when I was doing that. So, I have setup the Swap file as was mentioned before. I’ll see how it goes.
I do appreciate all of your help. This is a bit new to me. The techy bit I’m comfortable with, it’s just learning new hardware. Doesn’t help when you need to get it working before the wife’s Hollyoaks starts!!! lol
I’ll let you know how I get on.
TBH, I’m not sure that buying this box was the best choice as there seems to be more boxes out there than I knew. I was with S##, but it was just getting too expensive.

04-03-18, 15:27
Well, it’s been a bit of time since I have done all the changes, and I didn’t want to jinx it, but, so far, so good.
So, just wanted to say Thank you for all of you help and patience.