View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-C] Cable IE Net ID 43231

10-02-18, 23:14
Living about 20miles outside Galway City. The Galway City net ID doesn't work at all for me outside the city. I happened to find an official receiver in my house and found the net id page.

UPC Activation code : 143
Region Code : 5
Network ID : 43231
Home Frequency : 250000
Symbol Rate : 6887
Modulation QAM : 64

I then used NIT analyser to produce these 3 files


I then added all the net IDs found in the nit.log into the cable_ie_mk2.xml and ran ABM with each of the 4 net ids.
ABM scans and finds the same amount of channels on each net ID. 83 video and 29 radio, which is missing about 114 channels including every HD channel.

Here is the Cable_ie_mk2.xml with my added net IDs

here's a list of missing channels

I then did a ts recording on the home frequency

Looking for any help on how i could find the 114 channels i'm missing.

