View Full Version : [CrossEPG-Config] Crossepg now no Nordic Channel List

14-01-18, 20:21
Hi all

I have been using Crossepg with xmltv for my channel list for Norway, Denmark and Sweden but recently it stopped getting information. Opentv providers are working still fine but no Scandanavian proramming at all. I updated the Rytec providers and it says it has updated 80 providers but still no Scandi EPG. As my dish spends most of its time on 0.8w it is good to have a channel list for there. Can anyone offer any information about how to get my lists back?

TIA Ashybasher

14-01-18, 21:07
Use the EPG Import plugin for the Nordic epg. It is now split into the various countries too.

abu baniaz
15-01-18, 01:04
EPG importer and CrossEPG (Rytec division) download the same data. The only difference is CrossEPG does not have the collapsible categories. EPG importer is better for Rytec data in my opinion.

However, the issue is that the channel groupings have changed. Best place to ask is PLi forum.

15-01-18, 14:09
Thank you for the replies guys. I have now setup which groups I need in the EPG Importer by placing a green tick against the ones I want to have but when I run "Manual" for download nothing seems to happen :( Am at a bit of a loss as to why not?


15-01-18, 14:20
It doesn't happen immediately - it might take a minute or two to start. Are you getting any message on screen?

15-01-18, 19:58
Yes that is what was happening now working fine am happy to get my Scandi epg back :) Many thanks guys


16-01-18, 11:11
No prob. glad you're sorted.