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05-01-18, 20:04
Hi, noob here!

Had my Mutant for a couple of days. Configured it fine, running well, then got stuck in an infinite boot loop. Today reflashed it, reconfigured, running sweet, went to the EPG and it has got stuck in the loop again.

Don't really want to redo it all again if I can help it.

Any ideas where to start? Backup was done a while back, sadly.

LOG is below.

Any thing I can pull via SSH? Can I delete the EPG perhaps??

Appreciate any suggestions.


OpenViX Enigma2 Crashlog

Crashdate = Fri Jan 5 18:51:27 2018

Creator = OpenViX
Version = 5.1
Build = 009
Type = release
Machine = mutant51
URL = http://www.world-of-satellite.com
Compiled = Jan 2 2018
Skin = slyk-q/skin.xml
Component = Enigma2

Kernel CMDline = brcm_cma=440M@328M brcm_cma=192M@768M root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rw rootwait hd51_4.boxmode=1 brcm_cma=440M@328M brcm_cma=192M@768M console=ttyS0,115200
Nim Sockets = NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: AVL6211
Has_Outputs: yes
Frontend_Device: 0
I2C_Device: 4
NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: AVL6211
Has_Outputs: yes
Frontend_Device: 1
I2C_Device: 3

.963> [NIM] get types from delsys ['DVB-S', 'DVB-S2']
< 672.963> [NimManager][enumerateNIMs] slot: 1 - entry: {'name': 'AVL6211', 'frontend_device': 1, 'has_outputs': True, 'isempty': False, 'i2c': 3, 'type': 'DVB-S2'}
< 672.964> [NIM] get types from delsys ['DVB-S', 'DVB-S2']
< 672.964> [NimManager] Reading satellites.xml
< 673.118> [NimManager] slotname = Tuner A, slotdescription = AVL6211, multitype = 0
< 673.118> [NimManager] slotname = Tuner B, slotdescription = AVL6211, multitype = 0
< 673.130> [SecConfigure] sec config cleared
< 673.130> [eDVBFrontend] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr AVL6211, need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
< 673.130> [eDVBFrontend] setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 1 to slotid 1, descr AVL6211, need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
< 673.131> [SecConfigure] slot: 0 configmode: simple
< 673.131> [SecConfigure] diseqcmode: single
< 673.131> [SecConfigure] slot: 1 configmode: simple
< 673.131> [SecConfigure] diseqcmode: single
< 673.131> [SecConfigure] sec config completed
< 673.138> [Picon] adding path: /usr/share/enigma2/picon/
< 673.157> [Picon] adding path: /picon/
< 673.169> [Picon] adding path: /media/hdd/picon/
< 673.200> [MovieSelection] Bluray Player is not installed: cannot import name BlurayPlayer
< 673.409> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.tv
< 673.410> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.TV-Bouquet__tv_.tv
< 673.457> [eDVBDB] 4372 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.TV-Bouquet__tv_.tv
< 673.457> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.502b.tv
< 673.459> [eDVBDB] 100 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.502b.tv
< 673.459> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.abm.sat_282_sky_uk.fta.tv
< 673.464> [eDVBDB] 1009 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.abm.sat_282_sky_uk.fta.tv
< 673.464> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.LastScanned.tv
< 673.464> [eDVBDB] 2 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.LastScanned.tv
< 673.464> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.tv
< 673.464> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.tv
< 673.465> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_VOD.tv
< 674.029> [eDVBDB] 85710 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_VOD.tv
< 674.029> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_sports.tv
< 674.031> [eDVBDB] 200 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_sports.tv
< 674.031> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_ireland.tv
< 674.031> [eDVBDB] 100 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_ireland.tv
< 674.031> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_united_kingdom.tv
< 674.032> [eDVBDB] 100 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_united_kingdom.tv
< 674.032> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_premium_movies.tv
< 674.033> [eDVBDB] 100 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_premium_movies.tv
< 674.033> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_united_states.tv
< 674.034> [eDVBDB] 100 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_united_states.tv
< 674.034> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_united_states_-_regionals.tv
< 674.035> [eDVBDB] 100 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_united_states_-_regionals.tv
< 674.035> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.suls_iptv_live_events.tv
< 674.037> [eDVBDB] 300 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.suls_iptv_live_events.tv
< 674.037> [eDVBDB] 13 entries in Bouquet bouquets.tv
< 674.038> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//bouquets.radio
< 674.038> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.abm.sat_282_sky_uk.main.radio
< 674.044> [eDVBDB] 997 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.abm.sat_282_sky_uk.main.radio
< 674.044> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.abm.sat_282_freesat.main.radio
< 674.048> [eDVBDB] 791 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.abm.sat_282_freesat.main.radio
< 674.048> [eDVBDB] loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2//userbouquet.favourites.radio
< 674.048> [eDVBDB] 0 entries in Bouquet userbouquet.favourites.radio
< 674.048> [eDVBDB] 3 entries in Bouquet bouquets.radio
< 674.048> [eDVBDB] Renumbering...
< 674.096> [Time By]: Transponder
< 674.096> [eEPGCache] time updated.. but cache file not set yet.. dont start epg!!
< 674.271> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
< 675.410> [Image Flashed] 2018-01-02
< 675.415> [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /media/hdd
< 675.415> [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /
< 675.434> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf -> Regular
< 675.435> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf -> Italic
< 675.435> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf -> Bold
< 675.435> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf -> Boldit
< 675.436> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf -> Subtitlefont
< 675.436> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf -> LCD
< 675.436> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf -> Replacement
< 675.437> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf -> Console
< 675.440> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-main-templates.xml
< 675.441> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-button-templates.xml
< 675.444> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-general.xml
< 675.450> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-wizards.xml
< 675.452> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-menus.xml
< 675.453> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-infopanel.xml
< 675.455> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-movies.xml
< 675.457> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-epg.xml
< 675.461> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-information.xml
< 675.463> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-cccam.xml
< 675.464> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-timers.xml
< 675.475> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-channel-selection.xml
< 675.478> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-infobar.xml
< 675.481> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-eventview.xml
< 675.483> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-plugins.xml
< 675.491> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-network.xml
< 675.496> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-vix.xml
< 675.498> [Skin] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/q-picons.xml
< 675.500> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf -> Subtitlefont
< 675.500> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf -> LCD
< 675.501> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf -> Replacement
< 675.501> [Font] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/fonts/slyk-regular.ttf -> Regular
< 675.501> [Font] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/fonts/slyk-medium.ttf -> Bold
< 675.501> [Font] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/slyk-q/fonts/lucon.ttf -> Console
< 675.511> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf -> Subs
< 675.511> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.ttf -> Subsi
< 675.512> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf -> Subsb
< 675.512> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/OpenSans-SemiboldItalic.ttf -> Subsz
< 675.513> [Font] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf -> FdLcD
< 675.541> [InputDevice] Found: evdev='event0', name='dreambox remote control (native)', type='remote'
< 675.544> [InputDevice] Found: evdev='event1', name='dreambox advanced remote control (native)', type='remote'
< 675.552> [InputDevice] Found: evdev='event2', name='front panel', type='None'
< 675.560> [InputDevice] Found: evdev='event3', name='RC for hdmi_cec', type='None'
< 675.560> [InputDevice] Error: evdev='mice' getInputDevices <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): '[Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device'>
< 675.616> [AutoTimer] Auto Poll Enabled
< 675.619> [Timezones] trying to stop main AutoTimer poller
< 675.619> [Timezones] setting timezone to Europe/London
< 675.620> [Timezones] AutoTimer poll will be run in 3 minutes
< 675.626> [Keyboard] Activating keymap: Default (US)
< 675.626> [Console] command: loadkmap < /usr/share/keymaps/default.kmap
< 675.626> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
< 675.641> [Language] Activating language English (UK)
< 675.825> [UserInterfacePositioner] Setting 3D mode: auto
< 675.826> [UserInterfacePositioner] Setting 3D depth: 50
< 675.841> [VideoHardware] setting aspect: 16:9
< 675.841> [VideoHardware] setting wss: auto
< 675.841> [VideoHardware] setting policy: panscan
< 675.842> [VideoHardware] setting policy2: letterbox
< 675.845> [VideoHardware] setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
< 675.845> [VideoHardware] setMode - port: HDMI, mode: 1080p, rate: 50Hz
< 675.870> [eTuxttxtApp] enable caching
< 675.886> [EPGC Load] Poller disabled.
< 675.886> [EPGC Save] Poller disabled.
< 675.888> [eEPGCache] setCacheFile read/write epg data from/to '/etc/enigma2/epg.dat'
< 675.987> [Console] command: ('/sbin/ip', '/sbin/ip', '-o', 'addr', 'show', 'dev', 'eth0')
< 675.987> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /sbin/ip
< 676.002> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 25
< 676.002> [eDboxLCD] setLCDBrightness 127
< 676.007> setLCDMode 1
< 676.007> setLCDPower 1
< 676.011> [UserInterfacePositioner] Setting OSD position: 0 720 0 576
< 676.011> [UserInterfacePositioner] Setting OSD alpha: 255
< 676.012> [EPGC Save] Poller disabled.
< 676.012> [EPGC Load] Poller disabled.
< 676.014> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
< 676.014> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
< 676.017> [CI] FIXME: request for unknown slot
< 676.444> [PluginComponent] Plugin Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
< 677.160> [StbHardware] Error: getFPVersion failed!
< 677.161> [OpenWebif] -D- tuner '0' 'AVL6211' 'Tuner A'
< 677.161> [OpenWebif] -D- tuner '1' 'AVL6211' 'Tuner B'
< 677.174> [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/expandable.png
< 677.175> [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/expanded.png
< 677.230>
********************************< 677.230>
< 677.230> Starting Engima2 IPTV bouquets v0.6.3
< 677.230> 2018-01-05 18:51:26.871258
< 677.230> ********************************
< 677.230>
< 677.231>
----Downloading providers file----< 677.232>
< 677.600> [Hotplug] starting hotplug handler
< 677.602> [SoftcamManager] AutoStart Enabled
< 677.603> [CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
< 677.603> [CI_Activate] FOUND 1 CI Slots
< 677.603> [CI_Activate_Config_CI0] no config file found
< 677.603> [CI_Activate_Config_CI0] error parsing xml...
< 677.604> ('skin: slykq', None, 'D')
< 677.604> ('skin: default_FHD', None, 'D')
< 677.604> ('skin: default', None, 'D')
< 677.659> [Font] adding font /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/slykq/slyk-regular.ttf -> Dp-Regular
< 677.660> [Font] adding font /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skins/slykq/slyk-medium.ttf -> Dp-Bold
< 677.683> [EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1515178287.32
< 677.684> [e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 1515178287.32
< 677.684> [AutoTimer] Auto Poll Enabled
< 677.692> [TimerSanityCheck] Exception - timer does not have to be checked!
< 677.695> [ABM-main][AutoBouquetsMakerautostart] AutoStart Enabled
< 677.695> [ABM-main][AutoAutoBouquetsMakerTimer] Schedule Disabled at Fri 05 Jan 2018 18:51:27 GMT
< 677.695> [CrossEPG_Auto] AutoStart Enabled
< 677.695> [CrossEPG_Auto] Schedule Disabled at Fri 05 Jan 2018 18:51:27 GMT
< 677.695> [EPGImport] autostart (0) occured at 1515178287.34
< 677.696> [EPGImport] WakeUpTime now set to 1515225631 (now=1515178287)
< 677.696> [e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 1515178287.34
< 677.696> [e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> update
< 677.696> [e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> get_wake_time
< 677.696> [e2m3u2b] wake -1 now 1515178287
< 677.696> [ImageManager] AutoStart Enabled
< 677.697> [ImageManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=Fri 05 Jan 2018 18:51:27 GMT)
< 677.697> [BackupManager] AutoStart Enabled
< 677.697> [BackupManager] Backup Schedule Disabled at (now=Fri 05 Jan 2018 18:51:27 GMT)
< 677.710> [Skin] processing screen Screensaver:
< 677.719> [Skin] processing screen SecondInfoBar:
< 677.786> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_yellow in <class 'Screens.InfoBarGenerics.SecondInfoBar'>
< 677.786> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_blue in <class 'Screens.InfoBarGenerics.SecondInfoBar'>
< 677.786> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element epg_description in <class 'Screens.InfoBarGenerics.SecondInfoBar'>
< 677.786> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_green in <class 'Screens.InfoBarGenerics.SecondInfoBar'>
< 677.786> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_red in <class 'Screens.InfoBarGenerics.SecondInfoBar'>
< 677.786> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element channel in <class 'Screens.InfoBarGenerics.SecondInfoBar'>
< 677.817> [Skin] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'HideVBILine'>
< 677.819> [Skin] processing screen <embedded-in-'HideVBILine'>:
< 677.838> [Skin] processing screen SlimChannelSelection:
< 677.931> [Skin] processing screen SlimChannelSelection:
< 677.974> [Skin] processing screen RdsInfoDisplay:
< 677.978> [Skin] processing screen RdsInfoDisplaySummary:
< 677.980> [Skin] processing screen UnhandledKey:
< 677.985> [Skin] processing screen Dish:
< 677.995> [Skin] processing screen BufferIndicator:
< 677.999> [Skin] processing screen TimeshiftState:
< 678.011> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element PTSSeekPointer in <class 'Screens.PVRState.TimeshiftState'>
< 678.024> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element state in <class 'Screens.PVRState.TimeshiftState'>
< 678.024> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element PTSSeekBack in <class 'Screens.PVRState.TimeshiftState'>
< 678.041> [Skin] processing screen SubtitleDisplay:
< 678.043> [Notifications] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 678.044> [Skin] processing screen InfoBar:
< 678.066> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_blue in <class 'Screens.InfoBar.InfoBar'>
< 678.066> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_red in <class 'Screens.InfoBar.InfoBar'>
< 678.066> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_green in <class 'Screens.InfoBar.InfoBar'>
< 678.066> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element key_yellow in <class 'Screens.InfoBar.InfoBar'>
< 678.074> [Skin] processing screen InfoBarSummary:
< 678.084> [Skin] processing screen Volume:
< 678.093> [Skin] processing screen Mute:
< 678.096> [Volume] setValue 50
< 678.109> [eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 100 100, -1db: 0 0
< 678.113> [eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 50 50, -1db: 32 32
< 678.127> [Skin] processing screen Scart:
< 678.132> [Skin] processing screen AutoVideoModeLabel:
< 678.135> [Avahi] timeout elapsed
< 678.136> [Avahi] avahi_timeout_update

< 678.136> [LogManager] Trim Poll Started
< 678.148> [LogManager] Trash Poll Started
< 678.149> [NetworkTime] setting E2 time: 1515178287.79
< 678.150> [eEPGCache] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
< 678.156> [ChannelSelection] invalid service or time not set and not on a DVB service - try to use fallback DVB service
< 678.156> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 678.156> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2136, in __onCreate
< 678.156> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2143, in findFallbackService
< 678.156> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2192, in findServiceBouquet
< 678.156> NameError: global name 'serviceRefAppendPath' is not defined
< 678.156> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ChannelSelection.__onCreate of <class 'Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection'>>,()) failed)


<6>[ 672.769789] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] tag#0 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
<6>[ 672.775677] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] tag#0 ASC=0x37 ASCQ=0x0

abu baniaz
05-01-18, 20:18
< 678.156> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 678.156> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2136, in __onCreate
< 678.156> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2143, in findFallbackService
< 678.156> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2192, in findServiceBouquet
< 678.156> NameError: global name 'serviceRefAppendPath' is not defined
< 678.156> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ChannelSelection.__onCreate of <class 'Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection'>>,()) failed)

Does it do the same with other skins?

05-01-18, 20:22
Thx for the reply Abu. I've managed to fix it by editing the settings file in /etc/enigma2.

I changed:

to TRUE and it booted fine. I need to stop fiddling perhaps ;-)

Thx anyway.

05-01-18, 22:11
You are using the suls IPTV plugin and I guess that you selected an invalid bouquet/service entry...then when you rebooted it was trying to setup on the same service.... and crashing again
So you need to look at how you have setup the plugin and whether you changed any of the defaults.
Also you are using the HD51 which on the next image will contain the stalker-qt plugin, which might solve these issues for you and provide a better IPTV service:)

abu baniaz
05-01-18, 23:33
What is "serviceRefAppendPath"

Is it a native E2 functionality or specific to the plugin?

06-01-18, 00:46
What is "serviceRefAppendPath"

Is it a native E2 functionality or specific to the plugin?Good question. It will be accessed any time that config.usage.multibouquet is false, but at the moment I can't find it defined anywhere in the source.

EDIT: It was added by this commit:

But it isn't imported at any point. It's a BUG.

(Interestingly, you reported the same bug for this commit on 09 Sep 2017, and no-one has noticed or responded...).

abu baniaz
06-01-18, 01:03
Haha, I had the crash too.

06-01-18, 08:09
Interesting! ... well I was kind of right:) its an invalid service :)

10-01-18, 14:38
You are using the suls IPTV plugin and I guess that you selected an invalid bouquet/service entry...then when you rebooted it was trying to setup on the same service.... and crashing again
So you need to look at how you have setup the plugin and whether you changed any of the defaults.
Also you are using the HD51 which on the next image will contain the stalker-qt plugin, which might solve these issues for you and provide a better IPTV service:)

Thanks for the explanation twol, that makes sense. What is the stalker-qt plugin? I have seen something about it before I think. When is the next image going to be available as I can't record any IPTV without it crashing unless I'm watching it at the time!

10-01-18, 15:27
Well, your crash will be fixed by the next image, so that will be a step forward,
The Stalker plugin (only currently for the HD51) gives you a portal containing the equivalent of bouquets which hold all the IPTV streams.
If your IPTV service provider allows you, (I guess most will ?), you define a pseudo MAG device with the MAC address of your receiver (so no need for login/password) Information by logging into their WEB site and adding the Mac device address.
The Stalker setup gives you the Mac address for your receiver.
Switching between streams is fast and on the streams I have tried it seems more solid. There also excellent EPG info for each stream. There is a timeshift feature, which allows you to skip backwards and I believe the record feature does work, but haven‘t really got into that.

Note the plugin is still in test

12-01-18, 13:11
Sounds brilliant. Any ideas when it will be available?

12-01-18, 14:42
In the next image 011

12-01-18, 15:05
In the next image 011

(*noob*!) Sorry, next image? Is that a Vix image, so it's part of that or a plugin?

12-01-18, 20:56
(*noob*!) Sorry, next image? Is that a Vix image, so it's part of that or a plugin?

Current ViX image = 5.1.009.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
25-01-18, 02:16
Stalker talk posts moved to own thread


This thread is now closed as the issue has been fixed