View Full Version : SoftCams removal from VTI

23-01-11, 22:30
CAn someone explain to me, simple person, what's going on with these softcams? First DE, now VTI is removing support of softcams. Is it pressure from manufacturer?

How am I supposed to watch my provider without softcam if VU+ doesn't support cryptoworks internally?

Is the same happening for other receivers?

How about VIX? Do you guys plan to remove softcams too?

23-01-11, 22:39
personally this is the only thing i actually agree with by BH or DE, the problem is that people are using softcams for watching tv illegally, this is not what these softcams were originally created for, i for example used softcams for well over 6 years without ever needing to use a CS share.

vix allows you to download softcams but does not provide you with the config files, these are for you to download your self.

23-01-11, 22:46
That is why competition exists. You can still use vix or openpli for example.

23-01-11, 22:47
At this time we can't say 100% that we are going to support softcams in our feed indefinitely.

In all honesty its not a big deal if we pulled softcams from our feeds, user's could still manually install via ftp etc..

23-01-11, 22:55
At this time we can't say 100% that we are going to support softcams in our feed indefinitely.

In all honesty its not a big deal if we pulled softcams from our feeds, user's could still manually install via ftp etc..

agreed, even if a image pulled official support for softcams they can still be downloaded from other sources and installed with relative ease.

23-01-11, 23:16
Gemini also removed softcams btw.

23-01-11, 23:36
there still active on open pli.

24-01-11, 20:39

But it looks like the future is (at least for awhile) a bit different.

Hmmm...many people will ask then how to install softcams manually and ... where to find them ;)

24-01-11, 21:47
Well if you can find them in manual install format for your image of choice then I suggest you download them, store them safe and learn how to modify so you can update for yourself in the future.

24-01-11, 22:02

I think I do not have problems with them :)

Just wondering how many people are asking after softcams..cfg.files etc... where to find them :)

So Your suggestion is OK.But I wonder how many newbees are doing that.

25-01-11, 20:34
personally this is the only thing i actually agree with by BH or DE, the problem is that people are using softcams for watching tv illegally, this is not what these softcams were originally created for, i for example used softcams for well over 6 years without ever needing to use a CS share.

vix allows you to download softcams but does not provide you with the config files, these are for you to download your self.

This is not correct!

You must pay for an smartcard and a softcam ist decoded this card. VTI Cam Panel is still in the Image and will be stay there. You must manually (copy ipk File in tmp folder and install with VTI Panel) thats all!

25-01-11, 21:03
personally this is the only thing i actually agree with by BH or DE, the problem is that people are using softcams for watching tv illegally, this is not what these softcams were originally created for, i for example used softcams for well over 6 years without ever needing to use a CS share.

vix allows you to download softcams but does not provide you with the config files, these are for you to download your self.

That is not correct.Softcams were developed just for that reason.The Dbox2 (wich is the original dreambox)was hacked for that reason.Gbox was developed for that reason.The cnonax linemu was developed for that reason.All the cardfiles for goldcards,silvercards,m2 cards.....
Al the programble cams were......

26-01-11, 17:24
i totally agree with samot44, but that does not mean i don't respect the Admins decision, it's his/their board after all.

personally as some of you might know i'm forever swapping images and most of the time i prefer to set up the cam's and files manually anyway i don't see it as any great problem........i mean blimey it aint the hard, all you've got to do is let your eye's do the walking everything we need is starring us in the face.

right thats' it i love the admin...............there i've said it :eek:

regards: canthackit

26-01-11, 20:03
That is not correct.Softcams were developed just for that reason.The Dbox2 (wich is the original dreambox)was hacked for that reason.Gbox was developed for that reason.The cnonax linemu was developed for that reason.All the cardfiles for goldcards,silvercards,m2 cards.....
Al the programble cams were......

i never once until this year used a softcam for sharing and i'm going back 6 to 7 years. i only ever used it to emulate a hardware cam or with key packs as it was originally intended

28-01-11, 19:59
i never once until this year used a softcam for sharing and i'm going back 6 to 7 years. i only ever used it to emulate a hardware cam or with key packs as it was originally intended

Sorry Phoenix, you need to travel back in time a little further than 6/7 yrs....Samot4 is correct, emu's were originally used for the purpose of cs'ing.... I've been playing with Sat RX's for over 20yrs... had a Dbox over 10yrs ago... things move on as they say... I say bring back analogue ...pmsl......



28-01-11, 20:29
phoenix, i expressed my point badly on this topic. so take two. not allowing softcams in the download section of the image will in no way stop big public servers from loading cams themselves. the only way this can be done in vix is by releasing cams that only allow one usage of the cam per user. its very much like many software packages, you pay a licence fee per extra user. now the public servers could be made to suffer?

28-01-11, 21:03
phoenix, i expressed my point badly on this topic. so take two. not allowing softcams in the download section of the image will in no way stop big public servers from loading cams themselves. the only way this can be done in vix is by releasing cams that only allow one usage of the cam per user. its very much like many software packages, you pay a licence fee per extra user. now the public servers could be made to suffer?

I think we need to worry where this is going, as it's a little close to the rules ;)

As has been said, we will not be providing providing the softcams ... end of...

28-01-11, 21:17
Sorry Phoenix, you need to travel back in time a little further than 6/7 yrs....Samot4 is correct, emu's were originally used for the purpose of cs'ing.... I've been playing with Sat RX's for over 20yrs... had a Dbox over 10yrs ago... things move on as they say... I say bring back analogue ...pmsl......



actually iv'e been using satellites since 1989 but my point was that in the 7 years that i have used softcams i never felt a need to share a card.

28-01-11, 21:19
phoenix, i expressed my point badly on this topic. so take two. not allowing softcams in the download section of the image will in no way stop big public servers from loading cams themselves. the only way this can be done in vix is by releasing cams that only allow one usage of the cam per user. its very much like many software packages, you pay a licence fee per extra user. now the public servers could be made to suffer?

at the end of the day regardless of how i or any one else feels. the VIX team like many other teams have decided that it is time to pull their support for softcams. thats all i need to know and i'm happy with that.

28-01-11, 23:15
i sit and look at my cat. and as usual i do feel guilty. feckin cat just stares me down. me gods, next the wife will have issues with vix and remote control. ack i still have two dogs to commit

29-01-11, 13:06
actually iv'e been using satellites since 1989 but my point was that in the 7 years that i have used softcams i never felt a need to share a card.

Point taken, it wasn't meant as a rebuke.... I think peeps are getting a little bit to serious about the subject which is leading to forums running scared..... Why build Linux based RX's, manufacturers are opening up a can of worms, and they know it. No ones lilly white in this business and this holier then thou attitude wears very thin....

C's ing will not kill this hobby, it never has & it won't in the future... Peeps need to do more research on the subject, it accounts for a tiny proportion of cards in use, it can't be stopped (well it can) as those that want to cs will....The subject is being blown out of all proportion .... In these austere times Sly has managed to increase their profit drastically.... no reason to feel sorry for them folk, plenty is flowing into the coffers....

Anyway I'll get off my box now.... come on folk this is a great hobby, the Vu+ duo is great RX.... and the VIX team image ain't alf bad.....

Any new on the WinTV-NOVA-T USB Stick working in 1.4?


29-01-11, 13:48
The problem is that with the demise of the long standing hacking of UK cable for the masses.

a million numpties have now jumped all over sky and CS. that scenario will only last as long as sky allow it to. Sky are not like virgin, they will eventually take action and not just towards the big servers either.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

29-01-11, 13:55
Im closing the thread now it going of topic again!!!!!!!!!!!