View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Software update

27-12-17, 15:59
When I choose the update option in the menu, I get a message telling me that there's a problem retrieving the update list. If I use the Image manager in the Vix-menu, I can download and install updates, but then I have to install everything (plugging and settings) from the backup files, and that's a bit annoying, as the box then crash and restart on the first attempt. When it starts over again, I can go to the backup manager and run the latest backup file. This will get me most of my plugins, but not all. So I always have to do some restoration manually.

Is there anything I can do to get the updates through the "ordinary" update? It was always nice to read about the changes made, before I chose to go for it, and it was great to get it all ready at once, without struggling to get it restored.

abu baniaz
27-12-17, 16:28
No need for two threads