View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Spinner every 30 seconds

10-12-17, 14:47
Exactly every 30 seconds I'm getting the spinner appear in the corner for about 5 seconds, makes the box lag, cant use remote etc during that time.

Picture is fine and is not interrupted when the spinner appears.

Any jobs might be running automatically which I could look at, or any other ideas please?

10-12-17, 15:24
Autotimer poll interval unit can now be set to seconds or minutes - that could be the issue.

Also epg download intervals might need checking if you're setup to run them.

10-12-17, 15:27
I’ve had the same problem on my sf4008 after the online update to 5.1.003. A fresh flash with no settings restore sorted it for me.

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10-12-17, 15:29
I've not noticed a problem - fresh flash with settings/plugin restore 5.1.002->5.1.003

10-12-17, 15:31
re flash the box

10-12-17, 16:10
Autotimer poll interval unit can now be set to seconds or minutes - that could be the issue.

Also epg download intervals might need checking if you're setup to run them.

Autotimer polling is 30minutes, epg download is once per day at 7am. Thanks for the suggestions

10-12-17, 16:18
If nothing else comes to light, switching on debug logs and attaching them here might show what is causing the spinner.

Is your box open to the internet?

10-12-17, 20:24
i would only set boxes up from scratch no settings restore no issues,do you have other boxes on network and moving films around from one box to another will give spinning vix as film is in transfer until finished.

11-12-17, 10:47
I've also noticed the spinner appearing quite a lot and the box (solo 2) getting locked up a lot more since the latest update.
Just presumed it was because the box was getting old now.

12-12-17, 14:35
With a Duo2, I used to get quite a bit of the spinner when browsing through IPTV bouquet lists, now with the latest build, it just crashes instead, so something isn't happy. I've not had chance yet to do a clean install and create logs.

15-12-17, 16:50
My spinning has come back again. On the debug logs it says [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!.

Does anyone know what this means?


Attached debug log

15-12-17, 17:11
Autotimer had just finished its first scan, no apparent errors, but I think only 2 entries found. Is that right?

15-12-17, 17:16
Autotimer had just finished its first scan, no apparent errors, but I think only 2 entries found. Is that right?

Only one entry found not two

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