View Full Version : [OS-mini+] unable to connect to oscam server

03-12-17, 18:52
using webit can connect to recr (os-mini) and grab screenshot and very few other options.adding all the 8s gives ,cannot connect to server ,recr ip address shows...***.***.*.*/#.....dont know what the extra /# means.......another recr running vix4 blue (mutant box)connects via webit with a lot more choices and connects to the oscam server ,with the all 88s fine ,that box ip address stays in the ***.***.*.* format and does not add the .../# at end of ip address.....why :confused:

04-12-17, 16:37
both recrs opening channels ok :eek:

05-12-17, 22:49
Closed, read the rules!