View Full Version : Hi

02-12-17, 14:46
Been off the scene for quite some time now, due to personal reasons.
So just given my H-2-H dish a check over and resurrected my SpiderBox HD6000.
Q. Is the SB HD6000 still reasonably current and still well supported. I notice you have an SB Section.
Or/ if money comes available, should I look to change and if so, what is the best route to go down.
I know there are new boxes coming out all the time.
I’m not a big techie so like to keep it fairly simple.
Thanks guys

03-12-17, 08:25
Take a look at Linux Enigma 2 receivers, much more versatile.

03-12-17, 22:32
Take a look at Linux Enigma 2 receivers, much more versatile.

Many thanks Sicilian. I will cast my eye around.