View Full Version : [ET10x00] Duplicate EPG on BBC1 HD & BBC2 HD

29-11-17, 15:25
I have wiped my box and installed 5.1.002 everything works great apart from i get duplicate EPG listings on BBC1 HD and BBC2 HD. The SD versions of these channels show the correct EPG but the HD channels are duplicated. Screen shot attached.

I've tried wiping my autoboquets, auto scan, autoboquet scan, delete EPG data, EPG importer scan, still i get duplicate listings on BBC1HD/BBC2HD.

29-11-17, 17:29
What is the source of your EPG data? If it's for $ly/Freesat then I personally recommend using CrossEPG

29-11-17, 17:30
just noticed same on my duo2 here.A few differances but mostly the same info.

abu baniaz
29-11-17, 17:39
This is a Rytec issue. He is aware of it and has fixed it. Will take time to filter through.

Alternatively, use EPG from the signal stream.

29-11-17, 17:39
What is the source of your EPG data? If it's for $ly/Freesat then I personally recommend using CrossEPG

I've attached my sources setup from within EPG Importer. I use Virgin for my supplier.55442

29-11-17, 17:40
This is a Rytec issue. He is aware of it and has fixed it. Will take time to filter through.

Alternatively, use EPG from the signal stream.

Oh that's great news. I've been pulling my hair out the last few days convinced i had setup my EPG wrong. Thanks for the info.

abu baniaz
29-11-17, 17:46
If you are just using 28.2, use only OpenTV EPG provider in CrossEPG downloader.

Oops, re-read details above

29-11-17, 18:08
crossepg format from rytec was going to stop ?????

abu baniaz
29-11-17, 20:29
crossepg format from rytec was going to stop ?????

Are you making a statement or asking a question?

If statement, you are mistaken. If question, please rephrase.

abu baniaz
29-11-17, 20:31
IveZ, you may wish to do this instead



30-11-17, 09:09
IveZ, you may wish to do this instead



Thanks this guide explains a few things i wasn't aware of. Will this method enable several days worth of EPG or just the day i am on?

30-11-17, 10:09
should give you about 7 days

03-12-17, 12:35
Hi guys,
Anyone else still getting this issue on bbc1 hd and bbc2 hd?

03-12-17, 12:38
not anymore.Did an update of the rytec provider trough crossepg and seems to be fine now om my duo2

03-12-17, 12:57
not anymore.Did an update of the rytec provider trough crossepg and seems to be fine now om my duo2

Thanks for the response mate. I'm using epg importer will the update on rytek providers pull through into the epg importer?

03-12-17, 13:22
did the trick for me so probably the links are adapted for both cross and epgimporter.

abu baniaz
03-12-17, 13:46
If you use CrossEPG Downloader for XMLTV providers, you are downloading the same data as EPG Importer.

The actual problem was that the website he downloaded didnt have an entry for BBC 1 HD, so it downloaded the next one down.

Clear your EPG, re-boot, re-acquire the EPG. If still a problem, post the service reference of the channels you are having issues with.

03-12-17, 15:45
if box does the daily update would that still leave an issue pending as i saw 1 timer set on rte1 hd and showed 3 on the same timeframe with different names,all 6 sources the same as on first post.I think it was last sunday and today i saw it:confused:

abu baniaz
03-12-17, 16:05
I don't get the fascination/obsession people have with relying on doglover to maintain a record of the ever changing service references, download the EPG from several websites, upload it to the servers and people download it.

The EPG data for Sky, Freesat, Freeview and Virgin can be obtained from the signal stream.

04-12-17, 12:48
I don't get the fascination/obsession people have with relying on doglover to maintain a record of the ever changing service references, download the EPG from several websites, upload it to the servers and people download it.

The EPG data for Sky, Freesat, Freeview and Virgin can be obtained from the signal stream.

I tried going the signal stream route but it only gave me 2 days worth of EPG so had to revert back to EPG importer.