View Full Version : VU+SOLO 2 Hardware not strong enough for iptv?

26-11-17, 08:45
Hi my question is in the title is the hardware in the vu+solo2 strong enough/compatible for iptv HD streams 720p & 1080

Everything is set up perfectly apart from there seems to be an annoying slutter motion issue when watching tv , there is no glitching/freezing/sync issues etc. So i just wondered if upgrading to more powerful specs receiver vu+uno 4k or mutant 4k would eliminate this problem and run it smoothly?

I have 80mb unlimited fibre

All streams are set to DVB


26-11-17, 09:02
IMO wouldn’t make any difference. Thats just how IPTV is, it will never be perfect.

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26-11-17, 09:09
Thats a shame, Thanks for the fast reply

26-11-17, 09:17
with the streams I can watch I see no difference between my Solo2/Duo2/Solo4K/Ultimo4K so do not expect to much from a change.


26-11-17, 14:28
Try a fresh flash if you havnt already.worth a go

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27-11-17, 15:11
It can happen on and off but shouldn't all the time.

Have you tried on a PC/Laptop to see if it stutters?

Lots of stuff can affect it, including what else is being used on your internet while watching

30-12-17, 13:29
i get the "slutter motion issue" you speak of too when on a full HD channel. It is only on a rare occasion i would see this but it does happen. I have never seen it on a not HD channel.

i believe the issue is cause by latency as i have very high latency in my place. Mobile broadband is really my only affordable option where i, so i'm stuck with it. Friends of mine have the same boxes and same provider but dont seem to get this issue as there internet is superior to mine.

if this happens again could you do a speed test and let me know what latency you are receiving so i can confirm my theory.

Also what image are you using?

30-12-17, 13:40
IPTV Streaming working fine on my Vu+ Solo2. IPTV is very reliant on good internet, so your Mobile Broadband is the most likely cause.

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30-12-17, 15:11
Most of the time IPTV is fine on my Solo2 also. Most IPTV issues are either IPTV side of things and/or internet issues.

As been mentioned before, IPTV isn't perfect just like most things aren't these days.

john doe
31-12-17, 11:35
i thnk it works better on my solo2 than my sf4008. like andy says its the way it is