View Full Version : Vu+Solo2 tuner problem

22-10-17, 11:18
Since stupidly trying to update my Solo 2 (Genuine From WoS)some years ago ( been lying dormant for the past 2 years or so)
My nephew who is more knowledgeable than I tried a new flash using the updated Openvix 50 0 29 .. Result ! big red X stating 'Tuner failed '..
Would appreciate someone telling me ' what are we doing wrong ? Many thanks ( Vix 'home page still showing old picture of ISS Norad . !)

24-10-17, 07:42
First sounds wrong image has been flashed.

How to flash: http://www.openvix.co.uk/openvix-builds/Guides%20and%20Tutorials/Flashing%20Guides/VU+%20USB%20Flashing%20Guides/How%20to%20flash%20a%20Vu+%20Solo2.pdf

Latest image: http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/vu-plus-images/vu-solo-2/

Ensure you have a working feed direct to LNB connected to each tuner input. As you proceed through the first install wizard each tuner should be auto detected. If not test your LNB, alignment, coax feeds etc....

24-10-17, 11:40
Thank you Sicilian for your reply, had almost given up !! I somehow think that earlier attempt at 'flashing' have not succeeded. ! However will most certainly give your suggestions a try , and re-check all connections, my Freesat gear works ok off the same dish with 4 Lnb's, then again I suppose that's no criterion . My Solo worked fine until we got too clever and 'updated' wrongly ! Question please, ' will the old Solo still accept the newer 'flashes' ??
Again, many thanks

24-10-17, 11:53
Is it a solo or solo2??

24-10-17, 12:08
3.2.037 is the last ViX image for the ageing Vu+ Solo. Image can be found here, but no plugins feeds will be live. >> http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/vu-plus-images/vu-solo/

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24-10-17, 12:13
Hi ronand, The model is an aged Solo 2 ( around 3 to 4 years old )

24-10-17, 12:19
Thanks Sicilian,for the latest info, again, will try anything , just to satisfy my habit of making things work. or (not) .. Will to let you know, of course what results, and yes, I appreciate the limitations you mention Cheers and thanks again

24-10-17, 16:40
Hi ronand, The model is an aged Solo 2 ( around 3 to 4 years old )

There is only 1 solo2 model. Flash the latest image from openvix.co.uk

Also are you configuring the tuners correctly - try posting the settings that you are using.

25-10-17, 19:01
Hi Andy, and thanks for your input, apologies for not acknowledging before. OK about the lack of plugin feeds, being so naive re the STB issues, don't really know about that , no problem for most of the people on this forum , for me well ,,?? I will try to glean info look thru forum notes ! In the meantime will format a couple of suitable 'sticks '.. and download a suitable 'flash'
many thanks

25-10-17, 19:29
Hello again Sicilian, just to bring things up to date; Downloaded and flashed 3.2.037 after much head scratching , and wondering what Diseqc meant, I finally got around to Tuners , don't know if I did right but I managed to tune A to Astra 28.3
and rightly or wrongly did the same with B I then did an 'automatic scan' . result, 965 channels found on each. At last getting somewhere Eventually seeing a long column of channel numbers; I noted several of them had, I assume 'strength bars' by them (see how naive I am ?) loads of others just numbers etc, clicked on to itv/ bbc/ etc and lo and behold a picture !! Still in the dark regarding epg's: timers: etc etc , but at least the ' tuner problems' has been resolved.. Now to arrange some sort of order ??
Again any help in this direction would be greatly appreciated.. So very thankful to have your's and the other thread member's
help .. Many more thanks

25-10-17, 20:22
If you have the Solo2, you have access to the latest image so please flash the receiver with this image >> http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/vu-plus-images/vu-solo-2/
For your info, 5.0.031 is the very latest one.

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25-10-17, 23:11
what might have confused you is the mention of a solo box on your post and people think its an earlier model now non supported on an old image.

andy has posted whats needed

26-10-17, 11:17
Good morning Cactikid, Confused is the word ,i t all seems so easy 'when you know how ' but there seems be light at the end of the tunnel , even though I have downloaded an old version ,. The next problem is 'coming to terms' with EPG's among other things and as mentioned cleaning things up generally ... Thanks for your interest

26-10-17, 11:26
You'll struggle with an old image - get the latest one and see how you get on.

26-10-17, 11:35
Andy, since I have at least got some kind of result using a much older version i.e 3.2.037 . Would you suggest re -flashing with the latest version as you intimated previously, ? (can't remember who mentioned 3.2.037 ?) Incidentally this Solo 2 , has a 250gb HD fitted when purchased from WoS, so I shall now I suppose, have to get grips with timers ? and Epg's.. Cheers and Thanks

26-10-17, 11:39
Morning ccs, thanks for the 'observation' ,have just asked Andy_Hazza basically the same thing, Cheers

26-10-17, 13:54
Andy, since I have at least got some kind of result using a much older version i.e 3.2.037 . Would you suggest re -flashing with the latest version as you intimated previously, ? (can't remember who mentioned 3.2.037 ?) Incidentally this Solo 2 , has a 250gb HD fitted when purchased from WoS, so I shall now I suppose, have to get grips with timers ? and Epg's.. Cheers and Thanks

Yes, download and flash with the latest image.

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