View Full Version : EPG Importer: OpenViX 5.0 031. After 10 Oct 2017

abu baniaz
15-10-17, 00:51
As people may be aware, the Rytec data is maintained by Doglover on the OpenPLi forum. There are some significant changes that affect those who download EPG from the internet as opposed to using EPG data on the DVB/Signal stream.

Data compressed in .xz format. Less bandwidth of servers.
EPG in categories so people only download what they need.
The Sky UK channels that cannot be viewed on E2 receivers fall in the "dead" category. Virgin users should disregard this text.
Sky UK and Virgin UK have been combined.
They will be ceasing the uploads of the .gz EPG files from 01/01/2018.

The OE-A version of the sources file has pre-emptively removed the .gz files from the list of available sources. This is because EPG Importer has already been adapted to use the new compression type. This should mean that people start to use the new types rather than find themselves trying to download non-existent files on 01/01/2018. The PLI version will be adapted in January.

Attached are screen shots showing the layout of the sources pages.

To access EPG Importer
Menu > Setup > EPG > EPG Importer

Set the options you want, including the download times. Do not download before 06:30.

Press Blue for the sources.
Highlight the provider you want.
Press OK to reveal the categories.
Select the categories you want. Ensure they have a tick.
Press Green to save your selection.

People who obtain the EPG data from the signal stream are not affected.

Online update of image appears to not update the sources files. Uninstalling then-reinstalling the plugin overcomes this hiccup