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View Full Version : EPG Recording/timer Icon and a question

01-10-17, 14:52
Hi all,

I'm new to Enigma2/OpenVix but very excited about the openness of the platform and customisation possibilities. I've manged to setup by Mut@nt 51HD but have some questions on the EGP. I'm not sure if this is down to Enigma2, OpenVix or something else...

1) Is it possible to have a red line underline a recording in the EPG instead of the red "R"? I've come from the Toppy which I used EGP Navigator and it was much easier to see the actual recording duration using this when the timers had pre and post padding. I find the current view with the red "R" difficult to see sometime where there may be clashes.


2) When recording/setting timers for two consecutive programs is there a way for the system to ask if these should be merged into one recording or two separate recordings? Again, with EGP navigator on the toppy, it would offer this choice as the the post padding from one would overlap the pre-padding of the other. This is particularly an issue where you have a movie split with a 5 min news bulletin so pressing record on each part gives you two files/recordings.

I know E2/OpenVix is not going to work exactly the same as other systems, but I hope there's a way to at least get part way there.


01-10-17, 15:18
With consecutive programmes on the same channel, they both end up with pre and post padding.
So the end of the 1st programme is also recorded at the beginning of the next (and vice versa).
This is much better than merged recordings.

If you really don't want a film split into 2 recordings, I'd adjust the end time of the first timer to correspond with then end of the 2nd half (+ padding), and not create the 2nd timer.

abu baniaz
01-10-17, 15:22
If you press green on remote, you will see your timers.

Not related to your question, but have a read of these.

abu baniaz
01-10-17, 15:37
Hopefully a skinner will be able to answer the question about red record line.

01-10-17, 18:05
2) When recording/setting timers for two consecutive programs is there a way for the system to ask if these should be merged into one recording or two separate recordings? Again, with EGP navigator on the toppy, it would offer this choice as the the post padding from one would overlap the pre-padding of the other. This is particularly an issue where you have a movie split with a 5 min news bulletin so pressing record on each part gives you two files/recordings.

The Toppy could only record 2 programs at time wheres an Enigma 2 box can record 8 (or more) programs at a time therefore doesn't need to try and safe recording resources

If you have back to back recordings with a padding overlap the Enigma 2 box can handle this in a different way to the Toppy. The Enigma 2 box automatically makes two recordings rather than merging recordings or removing padding.
For Example :
Program 1 = 7pm to 8pm but with padding = 6:57pm to 8:05pm
Program 2 = 8pm to 9pm but with padding = 7:57pm to 9:05pm
At 6:57pm the box starts recording program 1 which it continues to do until 8:05pm
At 7:57pm the box start a second separate recording for program 2 which continues until 9:05pm

With a film is split with a 5 minute intervening "media news program" you can manually adjust the timer end time to include all of the second half. You can make this adjustment when setting up the timer or you can edit it later. In this one respect the Toppy running Mystuff, or possibly EPGNav, was slightly more intelligent in that the TAP writers took into account that the broadcaster often introduced a 5 to 10 minute half time segment and so the TAPs looked forward to see if a film continued afterwards.

01-10-17, 18:17
Hi CCS, abu,

Thanks for your comments. It's a longer step to manually adjust the end time than to just have the system do it but it will to the job.

I'll see if anyone can comment on the line for recording question, or should I post separately in the skin section?


abu baniaz
01-10-17, 18:30
I'll move thread to skin section