View Full Version : Epg downloading blocking up machine

28-09-17, 14:38

Hi guys I updated to vix 5.0.027 weekend gone and I notice there is an issue with downloading the epgs during the early hours of the morning and I find the receiver stuck on this when I get up and I have to restart the receiver from the button at the back. I download both 28 east and cable epgs and I think this error occurs at the cable downloading stage which is second in the order, Currently the epg is saved to the hard drive, should I move it over to the internal flash? As I have just chaned it to that and done a manual download which went ok. Many thanks:thumbsup:

28-09-17, 15:27
Definitely don't save the epg to internal flash - not much help on why it fails onto hdd, I know.

28-09-17, 15:36

Hi guys I updated to vix 5.0.027 weekend gone and I notice there is an issue with downloading the epgs during the early hours of the morning and I find the receiver stuck on this when I get up and I have to restart the receiver from the button at the back. I download both 28 east and cable epgs and I think this error occurs at the cable downloading stage which is second in the order, Currently the epg is saved to the hard drive, should I move it over to the internal flash? As I have just chaned it to that and done a manual download which went ok. Many thanks:thumbsup:
If it works on flash and not hdd, then I would suggest changing back to the HDD, save the settings, then using something like putty (telnet session) to freeze the box (init 4) then delete epg.dat and crossepg folder from both (Filezilla) followed by a restart (init 6).
Probably a corrupted epg.dat

abu baniaz
28-09-17, 20:24
What are you using to obtain/download your EPG.

28-09-17, 21:43

Have you thought about installing "remove epg". I was having this problem and abu baniaz led me to this file. Since i have installed this file i have had none of the problems re epg. I run this about once a week, then run crossepg and or epgimport after

28-09-17, 23:13
What are you using to obtain/download your EPG.

open tv sky provider and xmltv rytec virgin

28-09-17, 23:24
If it works on flash and not hdd, then I would suggest changing back to the HDD, save the settings, then using something like putty (telnet session) to freeze the box (init 4) then delete epg.dat and crossepg folder from both (Filezilla) followed by a restart (init 6).
Probably a corrupted epg.dat

This sounds comlplex beyond my capacity, if I reflashed the receiver would it fix the issue most likely?

abu baniaz
28-09-17, 23:57
open tv sky provider and xmltv rytec virgin

Just use EPG importer on its own

29-09-17, 00:03
I came home to find the receiver stuck on start up and it had clearly restarted during the day for some reason. Having got it back up and running I went downstairs and when I came back up I found this error on the screen. Does it expain anything?55038

03-10-17, 01:05
Ok following on from this, it transpired that my network was infected by malware after opening a port on my router to gain remote access to my receiver via the app which an I.T proffessional friend of mine did for me. I received emails and letters from virgin media detailing what they noticed on my connection. Both my vu+ receivers would go on to have their packed hard drives fully deleted by what got inside my network. I have had to reflash everything from scratch, but of course losing several years of recordings the damage is very much done. I would now never reccomend to anyone to set things up for remote access, it's just not worth the risk:rolleyes: