View Full Version : browse Solo2 shares from windows10

23-09-17, 10:56
Hi All,

I've been able to browse the shared folders on my solo2 without any problems on 2 different windows 10 laptops.
On 1 laptop, there is no problem. Browsing, copying/deleting recordings no problem.

On the other laptop i recently fitted a new SSD and made a clean install of windows10, and now i can no longer "login" to the solo2 using the "root" username (no password).
Every attempt to login is met with the windows error of "\\vusolo2 is not accessible..."
I can FTP to the solo2 from both win10 machines no problem, just i cannot browse from windows explorer. WebIf is also no problem from both machines, so there is no connection issue per se.
I've tried various different ways of handling the root user name, including using the solo2 host name as some kind of domain identifier but still no joy.
it may be a windows setting, but with win10, these days who knows.... :rolleyes: Also tried disabling the (Norton) firewall and no difference.
All though this the "other" laptop continues to browse the solo2 shares with no problem.

So, what credentials do i need to give the laptop to be able to browse?
I still have access to the old HDD if there's something there i need to check or compare?



23-09-17, 11:16
Is the win10 pc defaulting to workgroup "WORKGROUP"

23-09-17, 11:27
Yup. Although like many, i/we don't use them at home (intentionally).
Any recommendations?


23-09-17, 11:30
Maybe network discovery isn't switched on?

Search for Network and Sharing Center.

23-09-17, 11:50
It was off and now is on.
But still the same issue.


30-09-17, 08:07
anyone any other suggestions?


30-09-17, 15:44
unsure if samba is needed on box and new scan done to pick up pc?

01-10-17, 07:39
i don' think so.
if i switch back to the old HDD it still works, and continues to work on another win10 machine.


01-10-17, 09:23
Is the "old HDD" running a different/older/less uptodate version of windows?

08-10-17, 09:31
The old HDD has now had all the existing WUs installed, so theoretically should be at the same level as the new HDD and the other laptop.
The old HDD and other laptop still work, the new HDD doesn't.


10-10-17, 21:49
Seems like i've fixed it, but GOK how.

Turn on the laptop with the LAN cable connected (or plug it in after boot) - doesn't work.
With LAN connected, connect by wifi - still doesn't work.
turn off the wifi - still doesn't work.
Remove the LAN cable, then after a few secs reconnect the LAN cable. Suddenly, i can browse as required.
Disconnect the LAN and then turn on the wifi. It also still works.
Discovered by investigating something else and found that this worked when i happened to check.

How the hell does that work? :confused:
All WU's are up to date, as are the drivers. (same as the "old" HDD)
I'm at a loss to know where to start to try to understand why.

But while it's no longer not broken, i'm not going to try and fix it...

