View Full Version : DMConcinnity improved epg Qbox hd mini

20-01-11, 21:29
I changed the graphmulty view to show more channels some people may like it.

Sorry I can not add any pics as the screen capture in the webinterface does not seem to work.

21-01-11, 03:43
try this

Screen Grabs/Dumps
Here is the command for doing Sceen Grabs/Dumps.

If you wish to do a screen grab without the image of the channel you are watching.
Usefull for when you want to only grap the current screen of a menu item

grab -o -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be]

If you wish to do a screen grab with the image of the channel you are watching
Usefull for when you want to show a channel or an error in the channel/program

grab -d -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be]

your png files will be sent to /tmp retreive via FTP