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View Full Version : Update EPGimport (XMLTVimport) and rytec sources

29-08-17, 08:45
As per 1/10/2017 the old style files (large files per country) from rytec's EPG will be disabled, it is required that the rytec sources are updated by then.
Since there are now much more sources, the sources are now categorized. You will only see these categories if the import plug-in is updated to show the sources selection screen in a treeview.

Per 1-10-2017 also the support of epg.dat.gz files will be stopped. Everyone will have to import the XMLTV files.

The new sources have been put on the OE-Alliance Github, and a pull request have been made. This sources file will also work on the current import plug-in, but without the treeview.
(see the OpenPLi Github how this treeview is implemented)

Per 1-1-2018 the XMLTV files (EPG files) will only be provided in xz format as opposed now the gz format. The only difference is the compression method. (files are only half the size)
It is therefore required that the import plug-in understand this format. The OE-Alliance version of the import plug-in has been adapted to understand the XMLTV files in xz format. However it does not understand the rytec.channels.xml.xz files yet. This has to be included as well.
In order to understand the xz format, the packages python-lzma and python-pkgutil have to be provided.

Can this be implemented pls.
The dates will not be altered. And if your image will not understand the new formats by then, my answer will be complain to your image provider.


abu baniaz
21-11-17, 13:54
Please note, EPG Importer was adapted and is still working. It has the tree views. We removed the .gz files from the OE-alliance version of the sources file on 09 October instead of waiting till January.

This thread will be removed from public view to avoid confusion.