View Full Version : Accessing VU+ Duo behind a second router

23-08-17, 15:41
Hi, I have set up a VU+ duo for a mate's old man. However, for reasons I am not aware of, the network in the house is configured in such a way that the box is behind a 2nd router.

So the basic network setup is like this:

web >> Router A >> 192.168.0.X >> router B >> 192.168.8.X >> VU+

Router B is assigned an IP from router A, on its WAN port (I'm told this is fixed). So the box IP is, wheras the main PC is on the How can I ensure that a) he can use the PC to access the box using openwebif, b) the PC can telnet into the box.

If it helps, router B is running openwrt.

Many thanks!


23-08-17, 17:59
Plug the pc into the same router as the vu.

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23-08-17, 18:49
If only it were that easy. No can do, he reckons that due to his work the pc needs to be on a separate router.

23-08-17, 19:50
I have a "similar" setup where I use dd-wrt to provide a UK VPN.
I am assuming that the 2nd router has WiFi? If so just use a tablet/laptop/PC to wifi connect into the 2nd router and then telnet/webif/filezilla as per normal

23-08-17, 21:28
If its set up like that I dont think his work wants him to be connecting from the pc to other devices in his home so its best leave it alone. You could set up a static route but you obviously dont know how. As twol suggests use a phone/tablet.

23-08-17, 21:43
He is self employed, he runs an accountancy firm from home, so no problem with work not allowing it.

I have suggested wifi, but the PC is too far from the 2nd router to get signal, plus for some reason he doesn't like wifi - reckons it's insecure? Lol.

A static route sounds like the best way - but you're right I would need some guidance. I have tried opening ports on the router, port forwarding to the VU+ box IP address etc, but won't work. I've managed to get it so that devices connected to router B can see devices connected to router A, but I need it to work the other way round

11-09-17, 17:17
I'd just put the routers on the same subnet. But if he's really that worried about security that much and won't use a secure wpa2 WiFi, then perhaps he shouldn't be using a vu box at all!

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11-09-17, 17:50
You haven't said why there are 2 routers. Is there more than one wan connection? If not thesecond rrouter should be set up as an access point and use same subnet.