View Full Version : DE Blackhole to Vix 1.3, hdd has disappeared

20-01-11, 18:16
Flashed to vix 1.3 with no problems. Everything is up and running but for some reason the hdd has not been detected.

Theres nothing in the vix menu under devices? The previous image was running the hdd fine.

Is there any fix to get this detected.


20-01-11, 18:24
U may need to re-initialize your hdd.

20-01-11, 18:32
how to do that m8....
theres no hdd detected in any of the vix menus.

thanks for the help.

23-01-11, 02:12
it may be an idea to remove the drive...reformat it on a comp..then reinstall it in the VU

alternitly, disconnect the drive, reboot, then power down, reinstate the drive, restart, and hope fully, the drive will be seen


23-01-11, 12:14
It happens sometimes...

I think it depends on the brand and type of HD, but most of the time switching off the Vu waiting 30 sec and switching on solves the prob and there is no need to reinit the HD (and losing everything on it) which won't solve thr prob as it will happen again.

Probably the only permanent solution is change the HD with another brand known to always work. There is a thread on this in the Vix 1.3 Duo forum.