View Full Version : IPTV on VU duo

13-08-17, 16:52
Hi all just looking but I cant see or have missed if there is a tutorial for setting up IPTV on a VU+ Duo. I don't really know how to go about it but I could do all the other stuff we used to do with the same box;)

19-08-17, 18:53
Bump, Anybody know?

19-08-17, 18:56
No tutorial with regards IPTV i'm afraid. It will be a case of googling, trial & error. It is fun learning new things though & will keep you out of trouble. haha!

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19-08-17, 19:39
Thanks Andy, I'm always in trouble lol. Start Googling I guess

19-08-17, 19:41
Its an Edison OS mini or VU+ duo in case anybody has stuck IPTV on one of these.

22-08-17, 10:53
Ok everyone got it sorted. I found it was actually quite simple to install on the VU+ duo with the IPTV supplier I tested over the weekend as they supplied the download plugin for enigma 2 and instructions pages for most platforms to set it up as well as bouquet list and a lovely working simple setup EPG on most of the channels. only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to record to the hdd. I prob might get it to work as I haven't fiddled with the settings yet. Very happy so far and this was a fun experience for a change Andy lol

22-08-17, 12:07
Ok everyone got it sorted. I found it was actually quite simple to install on the VU+ duo with the IPTV supplier I tested over the weekend as they supplied the download plugin for enigma 2 and instructions pages for most platforms to set it up as well as bouquet list and a lovely working simple setup EPG on most of the channels. only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to record to the hdd. I prob might get it to work as I haven't fiddled with the settings yet. Very happy so far and this was a fun experience for a change Andy lol

You'll not be able to record via the plugin I don't think. If you created your own bouquets with the m3u file etc and linked the EPG to that you may have a chance, but recordings are very hit & miss so my advice is just to treat IPTV as Live TV and nothing else.

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22-08-17, 13:23
Thanks Andy for pointing out the plugin is prob the culprit. To be honest not too worried about recordings, just very happy with what I have achieved so far. so much more stable than any iptv ive had previously.

23-08-17, 18:13
Hey, I'm looking to setup IPTV myself on a Gigablue Quad+ box so any pointers on what plugin to use?

23-08-17, 21:11
Just use google like everyone else. These services are not particularly legit so you wont get links here