View Full Version : Vu+ solo2 OpenVix KODI 17.0 / IPTV Recording TV Shows & Downloading Music Videos

05-08-17, 21:55

I am new to all of this, so an "idiots guide" reply would be most appreciated, along with any addiition information on any other topic you think I may find helpful. I am also in New Zealand, if that makes any difference.


I would like to know how to download music videos to play in, say, a shuffled playlist format. I had thought I might be able to do this with Kodi (currently running 17.0) but I am having difficulties. I have downloaded the music videos via IPTV but am unable to create a folder to record them in or move them into. I had hoped I could create a folder called music and then run that folder as a shuffled playlist.

Can you please give me any help on how I can do that?


I would like to have my TV recordings separate from my movies. I have managed to create a folder called tv (I think I may have done it via Kodi, but it's a bit of a mystery as to how I actually managed that LOL!) However all my TV recordings keep going into the main folder that ITVP shows as HDD/movie and I have to manually move them to the "tv" folder. Can anyone give me some wise advise on this please?

I am on VU+ Solo2 running OpenVix and using and external HDD to store movies etc on.

Any help would be most appreciated.
