View Full Version : VU+ Solo2 OpenVix Backup Settings?

05-08-17, 21:44

I am new to all of this, so an "idiots guide" reply would be most appreciated, along with any addiition information on any other topic you think I may find helpful. I am also in New Zealand, if that makes any difference.

I was happily backing up my VU+ and Vix, or so I thought until I went to restore them after mucking something up.

When I went to do the restore it would not work and I had to reflash.

Then I discovered that there were settings within the backup options, and wondered what I needed to do to back up correctly so I can restore if my upcoming tweaks cause issues.

VIX/Backup Manager/Menu/Choose Files gives me a long list of options: bin/boot/dev/etc/hdd/home/lib/media/mnt/proc/run/sbin/sare/sys/tmp/usr/var

Whcih do I choose?

I am on VU+ Solo2 rnnign OpenVix and using and external HDD to store movies etc on.

Any help would be most appreciated.


05-08-17, 23:54
backup manager will list all your images that you stored on box, but if its new you will have to start the ball rolling green button [ NEW BACKUP ] then it will make a new listing= vix-rel-5.0.020 20170805 which is the date i just did mine.

when you have a few or one and you want to go back [ RESTORE ] then select which one.let box do its thing and reboot.:thumbsup: