View Full Version : VU+ Solo2 doesn't play saved movies after rebuild

05-08-17, 21:13

I am new to all of this, so an "idiots guide" reply would be most appreciated, along with any addiition information on any other topic you think I may find helpful. I am also in New Zealand, if that makes any difference.

I mucked up my Solo2 running OpenVix and flashed it, which went well and I have corrected my error. However, all of the movies I have recorded on my external HDD are no longer playing, showing 0MB as their file size.

Will I have to download all the movies again, or is there a simple fix to this problem?

I am 99.9% sure I had unplugged the external HDD before the rebuild.

Thanks for your help!

05-08-17, 23:40
i would imagine your external hdd is not seen and needs to be remounted,if you INITIALIZE it you will erase things so be very carefull.
ext3-ext4 is what it should state underneath.

reflashing should not erase recordings so your safe.

06-08-17, 00:36
i would imagine your external hdd is not seen and needs to be remounted,if you INITIALIZE it you will erase things so be very carefull.
ext3-ext4 is what it should state underneath.

reflashing should not erase recordings so your safe.

Cheers. Ext4 is stated. I thought I'd try to unmount and remount but upon u mounting I get an error message saying it can't unmount and I am probably using it for record paths so I kinda hope it is actually mōu te correctly. Thoughts?

06-08-17, 10:10
on your remote if you press the [ list ] where it shows your recordings does it show then?
are you using an externally powered hdd or just usb hdd powered as i never use them always externally powered.
have you rebooted your box and rechecked hdd again?