View Full Version : [ET10x00] cable scanning issue

03-08-17, 22:29
last night i noticed a few channels had no signal rte1 and 2 and others,i read about the abm update so reflashed with latest image and setup box again only to find many channels in hd are not picked up on automatic scan or abm scan.
i have rechecked cables and connectors all fine.
a manual scan on those not listed channels find them again so has anything have changed in the setups of tuners from the previous images that worked
previous images were stored in hdd but restore cannot find them in usb as never there

04-08-17, 13:16
i have been trying other images and still there,but went into the archives and used the oldest one and the channels are seen now:confused:
if i reflash to latest again i think same issue will happen

04-08-17, 13:18
copy the cable.xml file from the working image and try it in a newer image and see if that helps.

04-08-17, 13:29
before i do that i will write down info as knowing me i will forget:(

abu baniaz
04-08-17, 14:28
There has been no changes to the Irish values in the cables.xml files. Just the names.

Latest means nothing concrete. Say the number.

You have not mentioned what you have set your tuners as.

You have not attached a debug log showing ABM run.

The website you posted for checking NetID on another forum has errors

04-08-17, 14:46
latest image as posted in first thread 5.0.023,reflashed to others to check scanning issues

i am on Openvix 3 2 035 Release Et10000 Usb at the moment and scanning looks good
i will attempt to upload a file for this old image,then reflash with latest image again after i recheck network mounts also
might need reminding of how to upload logs again please thank.
thanks for the error report;)

04-08-17, 15:55
update no options for logs on old vix as irl has no mention and in using mounts setup browse everything is found
reflashed to latest same as above and all scans are now found again.awaiting sat scans to finish.

04-08-17, 17:19
up and running again as whatever was broke got fixed in a new reflash and setup again:thumbsup: