View Full Version : VU+ solo2 box frozen trying to load sky blue hd epg

19-07-17, 13:32
i tried to set up the sly hd blue style epg etc on my box, followed the video guide but at the end when it was supposed to restart the box it froze instead.

if anyone can help its much appreciated


Dark Cloud
19-07-17, 15:06
if it won't reboot then you'll have to Flash new firmware onto the box again.

20-07-17, 05:32
FTP to /usr/share/enigma2

Then delete the Blue HD folder only.

Power off and power on.

25-07-17, 00:21
I had the frozen box issue. Had to reflash box with latest image. Then reinstall sky blue. Then it worked fine.

25-07-17, 10:42
not sure how you are installing skin but best to install blue-hd from the plugins feeds.