View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] ABM re-ordering IPTV channels

06-07-17, 10:20
Using E-Chanelizer i have changed the positions of channels within various IPTV bouquets and written it back to the box (Edision Mini - Image 5.0.020)
I have Schedule ABM scan set to OFF.
When I shut the box down and then restart it the channels within the IPTV bouquets return to alphabetical order (which is the order they were in prior to me changing them).
I assume ABM runs at start up but I thought it did not touch non ABM created bouquets :confused:

06-07-17, 10:38
If ABM is off, I would not expect any change (certainly doesn't run on my system)
Did you save in Echannelizer before sending to the receiver?
If so re-check saved boquets and copy back to the receiver.
Then reboot and see what happens.

My bouquets certainly stay as I have set them up and I also use Echannelizer.

A strange one.

06-07-17, 12:12
I have gone back to the beginning. Connected to the box with E-Channelizer and downloaded current settings.
Moved an IPTV bouquet up the list.
Moved a channel from the middle of the same bouquet to the top.
Saved and written back to the box. - I get a message telling me Settings have been saved by E-chanelizer.
Restart box - Nothing changed. Run ABM - Nothing changed.
Write to box again - DO NOT restart box but DO run ABM. - changes have taken place. :thumbsup:
Restart box - changes have gone :confused:

06-07-17, 14:08
If you are not using ABM named bouquets for your "changed" bouquets it shouldn't look at them and your new ABM bouquets should be above or below depending on your ABM settings.
Echannelizer should update your image bouquets and reload bouquets, but it looks as if ABM is still looking at the original in memory and rewriting??
So as a bypass, 1) restart after changes 2) only run ABM when you need to ...... after all not that many changes nowadays as Sky channels are not viewable.

abu baniaz
06-07-17, 14:29
Maybe issue with E-Channelizer reloading? Contact Sayyid

ABM will only manipulate ABM bouquets by default.

06-07-17, 14:38
If you are not using ABM named bouquets for your "changed" bouquets it shouldn't look at them and your new ABM bouquets should be above or below depending on your ABM settings.
Echannelizer should update your image bouquets and reload bouquets, but it looks as if ABM is still looking at the original in memory and rewriting??
So as a bypass, 1) restart after changes 2) only run ABM when you need to ...... after all not that many changes nowadays as Sky channels are not viewable.
If I restart after changes my alterations to the bouquets do not show. I have to run ABM for them to show.
I always assume it's something I have done (as it usually is !) But maybe it is the program, as I did my main box without problem using V3 and I am now using V4 ?

06-07-17, 16:49
If I restart after changes my alterations to the bouquets do not show. I have to run ABM for them to show.
I always assume it's something I have done (as it usually is !) But maybe it is the program, as I did my main box without problem using V3 and I am now using V4 ?
When I run Echannelizer and send bouquets to the box, I always have to hit the "up" cursor (channel list), then blue button (favourites) and then select a Bouquet to show the newly loaded Bouquets

06-07-17, 17:50
A simple press of the TV button refreshes the Bouquet Lists also as apposed to restarting the receiver etc.

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06-07-17, 18:22
A simple press of the TV button refreshes the Bouquet Lists also as apposed to restarting the receiver etc.

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Not sure what this achieves regarding my issue Andy :confused: It just brings up the Bouquet list. I still have to run ABM for my changes to show and my changes still disappear when i restart the box.

06-07-17, 18:24
Why do you have to run ABM if you are not using ABM for any channels?

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06-07-17, 19:13
Why do you have to run ABM if you are not using ABM for any channels?

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Because if i don't run the ABM the changes i have made in the bouquets do not take effect.

06-07-17, 19:23
A couple of factors here are you using a script? That may cause the bouquets ti revert on boot

I'm not sure if Alternative numbering mode in channel selection will have any affect on this and im not sure if there is an alphabetical order setting in epg or channel selection settings. As for having to run ABM for the changes to take affect im not sure why you would need to do that

abu baniaz
06-07-17, 19:32
Are you editing the ABM bouquets?

06-07-17, 19:36
Because if i don't run the ABM the changes i have made in the bouquets do not take effect.

You must be modifying the ABM Bouquets then as Abu has mentioned.

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06-07-17, 19:39
If you prefer not to have ABM for your FreeSat Channels for example and you are wanting to mix n match n customise your layout you need to create the Bouquets to suit. Or read the ABM Bouquets to your computer using E-Channelizer and then rename and customise to your needs, turn off ABM n then write back your finished work to your receiver.

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06-07-17, 19:41

This is how I have my IPTV Bouquets along with FreeSat.

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06-07-17, 19:44

Just sharing some pictures to show you what mine is like. [emoji4]

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06-07-17, 19:52
Are you editing the ABM bouquets?

I have re-flashed and started all over. Downloaded the bouquets with E-channelizer - moved one iptv bouquet to the top of the iptv bouquets and moved one channel within that iptv bouquet. it was then saved and written back to the box. If i restart the box nothing i do will show the changes. If i write to box again and then run ABM the changes take effect but disappear if i restart the box.
I do not touch the ABM bouquets.

06-07-17, 20:05
Show Pictures using OpenWebIf like I have done and show us what you mean please.

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abu baniaz
06-07-17, 20:19
Which bouquets are you downloading then editing? A flashed box has no bouquets.

06-07-17, 20:40
Which bouquets are you downloading then editing? A flashed box has no bouquets.

Flashed and restored settings so ABM is being edited

abu baniaz
06-07-17, 20:44
ABM's bouquets are ABM's. Manual edits will be undone when ABM runs again.

06-07-17, 20:48
The first two pics show after editing and writing back to the box



Pics 3 and 4 are after i have re-started the box



06-07-17, 20:58
ABM's bouquets are ABM's. Manual edits will be undone when ABM runs again.

Sorry Abu I have worded that badly. I have not touched bouquets generated by ABM only the IPTV bouquets that have been added.

06-07-17, 21:40
But your pictures clearly show FreeSat Bouquets listed!?!

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06-07-17, 22:56
But your pictures clearly show FreeSat Bouquets listed!?!

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sorry Andy I'm not quite sure what your saying (which may well be the root of the problem)

abu baniaz
06-07-17, 22:58
Upload just your bouquets.tv file

abu baniaz
06-07-17, 23:06
And your debug log showing ABM run.

07-07-17, 08:52
Bouquets.tv file

07-07-17, 10:35
As said earlier, if you ran a script provided by your iptv provider to create the initial bouquets, it will potentially leave a startup script that refreshes the iptv bouquets every time it reboots, thus overwriting your changes.

This is probably /user/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh calling /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh

07-07-17, 12:37
As said earlier, if you ran a script provided by your iptv provider to create the initial bouquets, it will potentially leave a startup script that refreshes the iptv bouquets every time it reboots, thus overwriting your changes.

This is probably /user/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh calling /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh

If i look in /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh i see in the script this :

/iptv.sh /usr/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh reload_bouquets >/dev/null

Do I just delete this ?

abu baniaz
07-07-17, 12:38
ABM needs to run to make changes. It does not do anything at startup. As has been said numerous times, ABM does not touch non-ABM bouquets by default. it does place the bouquets it creates at the top, but that is configurable.

We ask people to upload debug logs showing ABM run so it shows settings. Otherwise it is a guessing game with lots of speculation. If you have set to hide some bouquets or if you tell it to not keep non-abm bouquets. Default is to keep all non-ABM bouquets.

As others have said, it is more than likely your IPTV script. A lot of files are kept in RAM and only written at deeepstandy/restart. This would explain why bouquets.tv is different to what you see

abu baniaz
07-07-17, 12:42
Your script needs to run to obtain the listings and it needs to reload the lamedb/bouquets so you see/can use the changes.

07-07-17, 12:58
if you rename /usr/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh to -enigma2_pre_start.sh or some such thing, it should stop it running /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh at reboot - however it will also stop the iptv bouquets updating if new channels are added or removed. I would guess that you can comment out the line you identified in the iptv.sh to stop it re-creating enigma2_pre_start.sh and then just run iptv.sh manually if you want to refresh, but it depends on the actual script you are using.

For me, the easiest way to achieve what you want to do is to use x.tream editor, customise your bouquets on there and use the enigma2 plugin to automatically refresh your bouquets without changing the order. You can then just remove the enigma2_pre_start.sh script as the x.tream editor will handle updates. It costs about £12.00 a year but works perfectly and you will also get the missing epg data on the foreign channels that you are missing and be able to call the chanels anything you like. I think I may have the same provider as you and this is what I do.

07-07-17, 14:45
I don't actually see a path /usr/bin/enigma2_pre_start.sh I can see usr/bin/xxxx I only see it referred to in the script.

I'll look into the editor - thanks.

07-07-17, 14:49
Dunno then mate. Must be a slightly different to mine, but I reckon the cause of the problem is somewhere around that script. Maybe your provider can help.

07-07-17, 17:41
@Willmoore When you use E-Channelizer to to play about with your IPTV Bouquets, no other Bouquets are listed are they? So basically You just have the IPTV Bouquets, nothing else.

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08-07-17, 07:24
All bouquets are there. I click the import button and it loads the standard bouquets with the iptv ones tagged on the end - just as i see them in the channel list.

08-07-17, 07:57
@ Willmoore Delete the standard ones including radio, just scanned etc so just leaving your IPTV Bouquets in tact. Then rearrange how you want your IPTV sections to look etc. Save. Then write back to your receiver.
When written back to your receiver, setup your ABM provider, I.e. FreeSat etc then Save and Start Scan. When scan has completed exit all the way out and press your TV button to reload your Bouquets.

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