View Full Version : Vu Duo compatable with Blu Ray drive?

19-01-11, 16:48
Hi Guys i was wondering if the duo would work with an external usb blu raydrive i belive it works with dvd can it work with blu ray .. obviously wouldnt get 1080p but was looking at a cheap option as i have a spare pc usb drive and have a kit to convert it to external

19-01-11, 19:11
so far i have tsted it and no it wont the blueray drive just locks up

19-01-11, 20:05
so far i have tsted it and no it wont the blueray drive just locks up

Had been wondering the same thing...

I remember reading that there were some bluray drivers around somewhere at one point... But not sure whether anyone got it going...

But I would say it would need something that could interface with the bluray drive, as without that, it won't do anything... So, need to find if there's anything available ;)

20-01-11, 00:57
thats what i susoect to need some sort of plugin like the dvdplayer plugin but for a blueray

first time i tried it i thought i screwed my drive as it just went dead but i was ok after disconnection

20-01-11, 09:35
thats what i susoect to need some sort of plugin like the dvdplayer plugin but for a blueray

first time i tried it i thought i screwed my drive as it just went dead but i was ok after disconnection

Give this a try... Don't have a bluray drive, so can't try it out. It was released in april last year I think, so quite old, but latest I could find... Also, says for dm800/8000, but might work on the duo :confused:

/ bluray-tools for dreambox ( mipsel ) */

0. intro
1. requirements
2. content / layout
3. short usage
4. notes
5. greetzings and honors

0. intro :D
---- maybe coming ----

1. requirements

- aktuelles experimental oe 1.6 mit 2.6.18er kernel
* hier ist bereits udf 2.6 integriert
- mipsel dreambox mit bluray-laufwerk/brenner ( oder iso ) :D
* dm8000 / dm800 / dm500hd

2. content / layout

- /usr/bin/aacskeys
* aackeys erlaubt das auslesen der notwendigen volume-keys ( abhaengig von den vorhanden certs/keys *.txt )
- /usr/bin/genbdkeyfile
* erzeugt m.h. der *.txt und keydb.cfg das file keyfile.db, die von bdrip/libs verwendet wird
- /usr/bin/bdrip
* der eigentliche ripper

- /etc/libbluray/HostKeyCertificate.txt
* wird von aacskeys benoetigt
- /etc/libbluray/ProcessingDeviceKeysSimple.txt
* wird von aacskeys benoetigt
- /etc/libbluray/keydb.cfg
* keys im dumphd format
- /etc/libbluray/keyfile.db
* fertiges keyfile fuer bdrip

3. short usage

- bluray mounten
* > mount /dev/sr0 /media/bluray
- m.h. von aacskeys die keys auslesen lassen
* > aacskeys /media/bluray
- die ausgelsesen keys von aacskeys in die datei "/etc/libbluray/keydb.cfg" eintragen
- genbdkeyfile ausfuerhren, damit die datei "keyfile.db" erstellt wird.
* > genbdkeyfile
- mit bdrip, das "richtige" m2ts (titel) auf die festplatte kopieren
*> bdrip /media/bluray 0 /media/hdd/bdrip.m2ts

4. notes

live abspielen wird es, so wie es momentan aussieht, nur auf der dm8000 und der dm500hd geben.
bisher geht es aufrgund von performance problemen noch nicht wirklich fluessig,
da wir keinen zugriff auf den crypto-accelerator des brcm bekommen.
das decrypten brauch aktuell ungefaehr 20-30% mehr leistung als vorhanden.
aufgrund dessen das die dm8k und die dm500hd jedoch zwei cpus besitzt,
koennen wir mit threading / forking etwas experementieren
und die tasks auf die zwei cores verteilen.
erste tests waren recht zuversichtlich und eine echtzeit-decodierung
ist mehr als wahrscheinlich moeglich.

5. greetings

- greetings to the doom forum and all the stuff who is involved in the tools/libs
( will be completed ;) )

20-01-11, 17:01
thanks mate i will see how it goes

20-01-11, 20:54
i seen this. these tools were released 1st April 2010 .. april fools?? i done some reading about blu ray and linux and it seems linux itself has problems with blu ray. maybe we need a coder like the ripper to code drivers somehow?

21-01-11, 11:16
Hi Guys where am i going wrong i have a usb powered dvd rw driive which i am trying to use for dvd playback however the vu duo is seing the drive but nothing is playing is there a driver i need to install etc? i running bh 1.4.3b ?

21-01-11, 11:32
comes up with modle dvd_rw nd-6750A under file browser but keeps disapearing and reapearing so seems to be some sort of driver issue?