View Full Version : Tuned Failed

10-06-17, 14:54
Every time I wake up my gigablue from standby I get a tuned failed message
and have to restart the GUI and everything is fine again until the next time I
put the box in standby mode.
Is there a fix for this?

10-06-17, 15:35
Who knows? You haven't told us anything about your setup, tuner config, etc.

10-06-17, 16:21
Gigablue Quad plus 3 tuners , two satellite , one DVB on a community satellite dish astra 19e
Tuner A astra 19e, tuner B Equal to A

10-06-17, 17:54
only started happening after the latest update of the openvix firmware

abu baniaz
10-06-17, 18:35
Your description of physical tuner setup and software tuner setup is very unclear. What about the third tuner? Do all the tuners have a wire connected?

As you have determined it has been caused by an image update, use an older image.

10-06-17, 22:54
Yes I know I can go back to an older firmware just thought there might have
been a fix for this problem
Both satellite tunes are connected and the third is DVB or TDT as you call it
in the UK which is connected to an arial

abu baniaz
11-06-17, 00:18
With all due respect, I don't believe there is an issue with the image. In my opinion, the issue is local and specific to your hardware. You need to fault find. One tuner at a time, one wire at a time and so forth.

29-06-17, 09:46
Well I have it back working as it should (fingers Crossed)
What I have done was completely disconnect the box and not use it for a couple of days
then after a couple of days reconnected the box backup installed the latest firmware and
voila it was working as normal once again