View Full Version : [CrossEPG-Config] Crossepg freezes on "Reading Titles 293kb"

28-05-17, 08:30
running the latest Vix 5.0.014 on a Vu+ Duo2

about a week ago, I noticed some missing EPG channel data, tried downloading several times but it always gets stuck
on "Reading Titles 293kb" and freezes the box up.

Tried init 4, delete epg.dat, init 6 and even uninstalled/installed cross epg plugin but it still won't get any further - no errors in crossepg.log -

28/05/2017 08:09:44 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.8.2+gitrAUTOINC+b8b6da2741 (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (https://github.com/oe-alliance/e2openplugin-CrossEPG)
28/05/2017 08:09:44 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
28/05/2017 08:09:44 EPGDB opened (root=/media/hdd/crossepg)
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Clearing old aliases...
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Loading 'aliases.conf'...
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Loaded 1 aliases
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Adding new aliases...
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Completed
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Interactive: OK action sent
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Interactive: DEMUXER cmd received
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Interactive: OK action sent
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Interactive: FRONTEND cmd received
28/05/2017 08:09:44 Interactive: OK action sent
28/05/2017 08:09:45 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
28/05/2017 08:09:45 Started OpenTV events download
28/05/2017 08:09:45 Reading dictionary '/usr/crossepg/providers/skyuk_astra2_28.2.dict' ...
28/05/2017 08:09:45 Completed. Read 512 values
28/05/2017 08:09:45 Reading channels...
28/05/2017 08:10:01 Read 915 channels
28/05/2017 08:10:01 Reading titles...

any ideas?

thanks in advance

28-05-17, 21:31
Im using Amiko Alien 2, When this happens I can access my files with the remote and delete the crossepg folder on the USB, then I delete it from the recycling bin. Sometimes I have to do it twice then it works. If you cant do this with your stb just format the usb and it should work then.

abu baniaz
29-05-17, 00:06
Presumably, you are ONLY using Cross to obtain OpenTV EPG. If you are obtaining any internet based providers, please say so.

Can you try this please?

After running it, set CrossEPG again only for OpenTV providers.

29-05-17, 13:36
thanks guys, done all the above, I've only ever used OpenTV providers (as attached), "Download now" still freeze box up though, should I use other types of providers perhaps?


29-05-17, 13:41
thanks guys, done all the above, I've only ever used OpenTV providers (as attached), "Download now" still freeze box up though, should I use other types of providers perhaps?


You have a Vu+ Duo2? CrossEPG & OpenTV 28.2 Sky UK working flawless here. Where are you saving your EPG? You having installed anything silly like cache flush plugin or Swap File etc?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

29-05-17, 14:12
nothing installed like that (that I can remember), epg.dat is in default location on hard drive i.e /media/hdd, very strange how some are there but others not?


29-05-17, 15:30
I would personally fresh flash ViX 5.0.016 with no settings or plugins restores & setup everything as new. Make sure the EPG is being stored to your HDD. Use CrossEPG & OpenTV as the source. Schedule it to run every morning at x:xx time and when you schedule ABM to run in the morning, set that to run 15 mins before your EPG.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

29-05-17, 17:42
thanks, will give it a try in the next few days, not hopeful too be honest, but will report back either way

abu baniaz
29-05-17, 17:45
Can you confirm you run the remove EPG script after installing it?

07-06-17, 18:14
hi, and sorry for delay in replying,

so I flashed 5.0.016 as suggested and restored settings, this didn't make the blindest bit of difference BUT now, 5 days later, all of a sudden the Full EPG is back - absolutely no idea why but thank guys for your help!