View Full Version : VU+ Hard Drive Installation: How To Correctly Install A Hard Drive Using VIX 1.3?

18-01-11, 17:07
Having had numerous problems trying to install a Western Digital WD15EADS Hard drive in a VU+ Duo, Please could someone clarify the correct way to install a hard drive using this box and VIX 1.3 Image menus without telnet'ing into the box via the command line.

I have found 2 relevant menu areas involved in hard drive setup.

1) Menu>Setup>System>Harddisk
- Options: Initialisation & File system check

2) Menu>Setup>Vix>Devicesmanager
- Options: Mountpoints, Repartition and Format.

Q/ What is the Initialisation option in 1) and what does it do?

Q/ Once a hard drive is physically installed should the hard drive be Repartitioned, Formatted and then mounted via Mountpoints to /media/hdd ?

What additional steps need to be made to ensure this hard drive is ready for recording?

How does the user setup the folder movies located at /media/hdd/movies via the menu options without using telnet and the command line?

I'd appreciate it if someone could list the exact steps to setup a hard drive using the menu options , so that it is ready to record using a VU+ duo.

Many people have given many different pieces of advice to set up a hard drive but no one has done it in a simple and straightforward way that works using Vix 1.3.

Please could someone give a concise and accurate procedure to get hard drives working under VIX 1.3, to help fellow VU+ users without diving into the command line.

If the command line has to be mentioned please could someone explain all the necessary commands along with clear explanations for each step.

I repartitioned & formatted my hard drive via the menu options.

I then used telnet to connect to the box, logged in under root and then issued commands at the command line.

I mounted my hard drive /dev/sda1 to /media/hdd using the mount command.

i.e mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd

A movie folder was created at /media/hdd using the command mkdir.

i.e mkdir /media/hdd/movie

My hard drive would only record once this last step had been completed.

Whilst trying to get my hard drive installed I used the initialisation and File system
check options under Menu >System>Hardisk.

1) Menu>Setup>System>Harddisk
- Options: Initialisation & File system check

I didn't know what initialisation meant or did.
The file system check kept throwing up errors, indicating a valid file system wasn't present. Vix 1.4 needs to make setting up a hard drive far simpler and more step by step, removing guesswork from the process.

Any help great fully received to clarify this procedure for any VU+ duo users learning to use VIX 1.3 following behind .

18-01-11, 23:31
Initialisation is exactly what it it sounds like it makes the initial file system on the disc.

Personally i Formatted the drive under device menu and then initialised it under the
system menus and never had a problem.

18-01-11, 23:47
Good god man i never went through all that telnet stuff !
I just did mine the same as niteman and it works

18-01-11, 23:51
same for me... install ... format ...then initialise and mount ... no problems at all . ( i done this using the original vu+ image ... then flashed vix1.3 .... and it's been working perfectly )

11-07-12, 10:27
Has anyone seen an issue where you add your HDD via this option Menu>Setup>System>Harddisk and Initialise, then after a few minutes your SNG value on the other channels drop to less than 30% and therefore do not open? I currently have the VTI image installed. I then update the S/W again therefore removing the HDD and all is good again.
Anyone seen this?

30-12-14, 19:45
Hi. I don't have a format menu under device or system. Only initialize and mount. Is initialize the same as format?
I did initialize and mount and recordings work. But I never saw it format the hdd.
(Sorry my first language is not English )

abu baniaz
30-12-14, 19:56
Is initialize the same as format?

Yes it is the same.