View Full Version : Cannot find where iptvbouquet has been installed in favourites.

22-05-17, 22:19

I have duo2 with openvix v5.0.014. I installed iptvbouquet plugin and on completion it said it was installed in favorites channellist. I looked there and found nothing.

Can someone please advise after installation of the plugin what I do next. Or do I have to set something prior to installing this?

Ultimately, I would understand IPTV more as I looking to possible buy a subs in this.

Many Thanks

24-05-17, 10:31
Hi All,

Sorted. Had to enable "unlinked Bouquets" in Channel list - OpenVix.

I now get the IPTV bouquet in favourites, with some channels. But none of them work It has BBC HD etc. Any solutions to this.


27-05-17, 18:02
did it not make a seperat file for iptv player in bouques also and have u got the iptv plaer app installed and the ts media one might help u get the channels to play ;) if u do find the other iptv lists u can use open webif bouquet editor to relocate them or just use remote press tv button scrol to bouquet then the chanel press menu then 7 then pick the bouque u want ie favorites