View Full Version : vu+Solo2 internal hard drive problem

03-05-17, 20:59
All of a sudden my internal hard drive will not play back recorded programmes.
I have changed the drive for a new one
initialised it
re mounted it,
When I scan for media files on that drive it says "No Displayable Files on that drive"
I have re flashed the receiver
I know the programmes are been recorded on to the drive as I can see them when I connect with "FileZilla Client"
is there anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance

03-05-17, 21:42
Have you checked the default recording path
recording & playback settings
default movie location /media/hdd/movie/

Does pause work ?
Does the record indicator come on when you have chosen to record a program ?

Also when you say scan for media files
Do you mean pressing the folder button
i dont have a solo but a duo and looking at pictures its same button
down near the end of the remote
the button in between Menu & audio has a little square box with 3 lines and R
when you press this does it not show your recorded program's

Also may help to post what version you are on
Sorry for the long post

03-05-17, 22:11
thanks for reply
yes the default recording path is right /media/hdd/movie .
the record indicator does come on but I cannot pause it
just tried to record news at ten? goes through motion but media scanner says no displayable files on this media
FileZila is clearly showing them on the hdd drive

03-05-17, 22:13
Not familiar with media scanner
is it a plugin ?

03-05-17, 22:15
yes its a plug in that scans your connected drives for media

03-05-17, 22:18
Do you see the files if you use the folder button
Between menu & audio
key with 3 lines and r on it ?

03-05-17, 22:27
Found media scanner
When I run it I get an option as to which media to scan
and my hdd is listed as stxxxxxxx
If I scan it it shows recorded files
If I pick anthing other than the hdd it says no displayable files
so if your picking your current hdd the I cant think of any reason they wont show:-(

03-05-17, 22:27
I can see all the files by accessing the drive that way using the key you described.
they all play as well
thanks for your help.
greatly appreciated

03-05-17, 22:29
I can see all the files by accessing the drive that way using the key you described.
they all play as well
I have never used that key in all the time I have had my reciever
thanks for your help.
greatly appreciated

03-05-17, 22:31
May be possible to remove the media scanner plugin & reinstall might sort it if that's the way you are used to viewing your recorded stuff
I think it would probably depend on your current version of vix

03-05-17, 22:33
Ive never used the media scanner
always used that key
anyway glad you can view the files and your drive is working