View Full Version : [TM-NANO-3T COMBO] Vix 4.1

30-04-17, 22:56
Evening all,Hopefully im posting in the right place! Currently running 4.1.016 on a nano 3t combo,i want to upgrade to the latest image but as i've spent so long getting my box set up i don't really want to have to start from scratch when installing the new image,I've done a backup and flashed to 4.2.030 as im sure i read that the setings back up from 4.2 would work with vix 5,When restoring settings from 4.1 to 4.2 it says its incompatible,Is it? or is it something i've done wrong? If it comes to it i'll start afresh but as i've a motorised dish which i think is slightly out of true,its taken me ages to get the positions of the other satellites using the box manually i don't really want to lose those settings,Any help would be much appreciated

30-04-17, 23:04
Do you use usals or stored positions?

30-04-17, 23:12
Stored if i remember rightly

30-04-17, 23:27
I use stored positions myself and when I do a fresh flash I set the tuners up to the previous stored positions and the motor drives to them.

Make a note of your stored positions for each satellite before you flash a new image and then enter them as before when setting up your tuner and there's no ****ing about trying to find satellites

30-04-17, 23:31
Its probably wishful thinking on my behalf that i could just backup my current settings and then restore them,i tried but it says file incompatible

abu baniaz
01-05-17, 02:52
You can still do it manually.

Bouquets: Use a settings program like e-channelizer, dremboxedit, dreamset etc to save to PC. transfer them back after you flash your image.

Backup the following files to you PC:
autotimers.xml located in /etc/enigma2
timers.xml located in /etc/enigma2
settings located in /etc/enigma2

You can then filter the tuner config section from the settings. Use a Linux compatible editor like notepad++ (not to be mistaken for windows notepad), sort the file alphabetically, find all the lines that start with config.Nims. To be on safe side, delete everything else, save the file.

Flash the new image. When the wizard comes up, stop enigma2 with "init 4", wait about 10 seconds.
Transfer the following files back
autotimers.xml to /etc/enigma2
timers.xml to /etc/enigma2
edited settings to /etc/enigma2

Use the settings program to transfer the bouquets/channels back

Restart with "init 3"

01-05-17, 09:14
Understood everything except Init 3 and 4 what is init?

01-05-17, 09:24
Understood everything except Init 3 and 4 what is init?


abu baniaz
01-05-17, 12:38
what is init?

"init" is used as an abbreviation for:
is it not so?
is it not the case?
do you not agree?
or just as a filler before the next sentence.

01-05-17, 13:59
Thanks fellas,Never used Putty! first time for everything