View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] PIP juderry all of a sudden

27-04-17, 09:12

I quite often use PIP to have the audio from a UK based channel and video from a foreign channel for sporting events. I have noticed recently though that the video seems a bit juddery and if I turn PIP off it returns to normal.

I'm going to roll back to a previous version to see if I can pin point when it started happening, has anyone else noticed this?

Have any changes been made to video processing or PIP since 5 was released?


27-04-17, 20:48
Gone back to 4.2.30 and it's fine, something must have been introduced since release 5.

Any ideas?

02-05-17, 09:40
has there been any changes around PIP between version 4 and 5?