View Full Version : 80cm dish with 3 lnbs

26-04-17, 23:06
Im trying to connect this multi lnb holder to my opticum 80cm dish. But i just can't seem to do it. Anybody know how this attaches to dish so i can pick up 13, 19 and 28 sats?


abu baniaz
27-04-17, 00:03
You clip the first bracket around the main LNB. Don't tighten too much as you will affect the skew when adjusting the other LNBs.

30-04-17, 15:47
I managed to get this helpful picture but still not sure. Are you saying that one of the three lnb holders that came with this metal bracket has to wrap around the existing lnb holder of the dish..

abu baniaz
01-05-17, 03:19
Are you saying that one of the three lnb holders that came with this metal bracket has to wrap around the existing lnb holder of the dish..

No. Not around the LNB holder, but around the neck of the main LNB. Next to the existing bracket.

That picture shows the bar underneath. Depending on your dish/LNB, you may have to put it above. Don't overthink it, it will make sense when you see it.

Personally, I would have put the nuts facing towards the dish, that way you can use a screw driver easily.

04-05-17, 23:14
Dish has been mounted but getting nothing. It may be the fact I need another wall bracket with longer arm. 19.2 on dish pointer tells me this

Elevation 23.2
Azimuth true 149.9
Magnetic 153.5
Lnb skew -9.2

My dish is as far left as it can go which is about 149 degrees. I used my iPhone compass but have a proper satellite meter and getting absolutely nothing. Tried 13.0 but still nothing even though it's not as far round

I've just got the one cable plugged into my middle lnb to my meter but the worst thing I can't even get 28.2 as I know the bracket isn't long enough to turn to that position as my zone 2 dish I removed proves that.

It could also be my lnbs, I've got them mounted on this contraption of an arm thing but doubt it's correct but I at least thought I would get some sort of signal.


Do these look right, and could wrongly positioned lnb cause no signal. But then the middle lnb is not part of this multi bracket, it's mounted just as it should be on a normal install.

Would be great if I could sort this without buying s new wall bracket

abu baniaz
04-05-17, 23:31
You are not making sense.

Align your dish with only one LNB so that you get the best signal on 19.2. Dishpointer will show you the direction you have to point your dish.
If looking from behind dish, move dish slightly to right of 28.2
If looking at dish from front, move dish slightly to left of 28.2

You can do 28.2 and 13.0 afterwards. You will be making life difficult for yourself if trying to align all three in one go.

15-05-17, 16:36
Ok, I did have to change the wall bracket as there want enough wall clearance with the first one. So had to take dish down, refit it and by that time the rain came on. I just tuned it to 28.2e so i could get my sky box working as wife was cracking up lol...

Will be up again soon to retune to 19.2 then will add the lnb bracket for other two lnbs, but I've been reading long neck lnbs are required....is this true...also read that 28.2 is hardest to pick up, any pointers?

17-06-17, 23:08
center the dish on 19.2e (strong signal ,should be simple) Put bracket round neck of lnb. add your other two Lnbs. 28.2 will be to the left of 19.2 as you look towards the dish(because of the mirror effect) hotbird to the right . 28.2 is really strong and should be no problem. 28.2 will be be higher than 19.2 and when you nail it down. hotbird will automatically be lower than 19.2. Its not difficult mate. the dish elevation setting you had for 28.2 will need to be adjusted for 19.2.5401854019

08-07-17, 18:58
Hi everybody just got 1 of these bars , should it be curved?? To pick up other sats?28.2,19.3,13
got a dish pointed to19.2 just wanted 13 as well

abu baniaz
08-07-17, 19:04
Some brackets are curved, others are not. This one isn't.

08-07-17, 19:12
Better put through rollers at work on Monday been trying all day ��Ha thanks again it is flat as a pancake .it needs a nice curve for other sats

abu baniaz
08-07-17, 20:09
Im guessing you have got it fitted at wrong angle. Might be wrong.

08-07-17, 20:56
Like this slight curve

abu baniaz
08-07-17, 21:01
Posting pictures of what others have done is no use for your problem. Post what you have done.

08-07-17, 21:10
Sorry for pick just after advice ! It just shows curve thanks again

abu baniaz
08-07-17, 21:33
The other pictures show a straight bracket! There is nothing wrong with a straight bracket. Bending the bracket will just make the LNB nearer or further from the dish. You can make those adjustments my moving LNB back or forward in the collar.

If you want help to solve your problem, post what you have done.

09-08-17, 15:53
using quad lnb (sky4lp) three cables used. (one hole free) to vu plus solo2 twin tuner. is this lnb ok to use on xtrend et8500 with three tuners fitted. or do i require any extra cables to feed xtrend box .(newby to quad receivers) also using multi sat movable dish with amiko slim l103 lnb .if extra cable required.( hope this makes sense)