View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Wifi adaptor issues

24-04-17, 23:06
model - Gigablue HD Quad Plus
Chipset - BCM7356
CPU - BCM7346B2
Firmware - openvix
Gigablue wireless-N USB Adaptor (RTL 8192)
Default skin

The problem i'm having is with any of the vix 5.0 firmware my usb adaptor can't find any wireless networks, and if it does find a network it can't connect to it or isn't stable. I don't install anything as i get to the wifi set up in the set up guide and fail.

I have tried the USB adaptor in the rear port - finds no wireless networks at all

I have tried the USB adaptor in the front port - finds networks but can't connect to them.

I have also tried downloading drivers from the plugins section but none seemed to help either.

Is there a problem with the drivers?

Any help would be great.



25-04-17, 12:33
I'm having this issue with 5.0 on one of my boxes. Also usb HDD killed. Replaced with new HDD and works but new adapter doesn't. Gonna try flashing bootloader see if that helps

Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk

25-04-17, 14:17
There was a GB kernel upgrade (in 4.2.029) which may have effected the rtl8192cu driver the same way it has on the ET10K.

26-04-17, 13:38
There are two versions of the rtl8192 - rtl8192cu and rtl8192eu.

The drivers for the rtl8192eu wifi adapter are not loaded in the base ViX image. If you have the rtl8192eu version you can't load a fresh image using the wifi adapter.

26-04-17, 13:43
... the wireless adapter wouldn't be visible for configuring if the correct driver wasn't already available (cu = pre-installed, eu = needs downloading first.)

31-07-17, 21:03
Is there anyway i can install the RTL 8192 driver with a newer image? As even on the latest build of openvix still having the same trouble with the WiFi adapter.


13-10-17, 16:32
for anyone having the same problem i was as stated above. It turns out it's the gigablue branded wifi adapter(possibly the drivers?) as i tried the adapter on another receiver and it didn't work either. I tried a cheap generic usb wifi adapter and it works no problem at all. My gigablue is currently running openvix-5.0.029.release with my cheaper wifi adapter. So glad to have access to the plugins feed again.