View Full Version : VU+ Duo2 is blurred on 4k TV

21-04-17, 21:19
I just got a new samsung 4k tv (ks7000), i have set it up using recommended settings found on the internet, the picture quality looks perfect on my xbox and when i play blurays from usb! The problem is when i plug my VU+ Duo2 in the image is blurred even on the HD channels and epg.

If i upgrade to the Uno4K will this fix my problem?


21-04-17, 21:32
Doubt it. Make sure the box settings are correct. What image are you using? Iv not got 4k TV but assuming the gui scaling is wrong and that's why it's looks blurred. Is the video fine?

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21-04-17, 21:53
Im on the latest version of vix, no video is the same even the hd channels and the blurays (mkv) i have saved on the HDD

abu baniaz
21-04-17, 22:00
What video output settings have you used on the sat receiver?

22-04-17, 05:49
Most TV channels are interlaced, set your box to output in 1080i 50hz, then in the Samsung set Film Mode to Auto 2 (HD deinterlace) and change Auto Motion Settings to Off or Clear ( I prefer Off it is more Natural).

22-04-17, 08:32
Thats my settings

https://preview.ibb.co/c89OY5/EF65_D952_EBAA_4_A3_E_85_A4_54756_B388722_8828_000 00693_D818_DD40.jpg (https://ibb.co/gbUOY5)
https://preview.ibb.co/jguCRQ/87_A19_AB2_B485_4_F6_B_BCF1_71_E56_A5_F6_A0_B_8828 _00000693_E113_F859.jpg (https://ibb.co/d1PqD5)
cheap image hosting (https://imgbb.com/)

I turned auto motion off and it has helped a bit, but there is still a huge difference from when i play a bluray from usb compared to when i play the same bluray from the vu+

22-04-17, 09:04
Try changing hdmi colorimenrty(colorspace) to BT 709.

22-04-17, 09:16
709 is not an option

Options are

Have tried them all but nothing changes

22-04-17, 09:19
You may only see this when mode set to 2016p

22-04-17, 10:09
Only goes up to 1080, might just upgrade to the uno4k see if that helps

john doe
22-04-17, 10:15
if your box is not a 4k (2160) which the duo2 is not, then the picture will not upscale to 2160 only 1080p or I are available.

on non 4k receivers, the picture is ok, not great. don't think upgrading to 4k will give you instance 4k quality. yes the picture is much approved, but not 4k

trying changing to multi, instead off 50hz or change to another HDMI cable

22-04-17, 10:37
if your box is not a 4k (2160) which the duo2 is not, then the picture will not upscale to 2160 only 1080p or I are available.

on non 4k receivers, the picture is ok, not great. don't think upgrading to 4k will give you instance 4k quality. yes the picture is much approved, but not 4k

trying changing to multi, instead off 50hz or change to another HDMI cableThe problem is with the scaling on the some 4K TV's, 1080p always scales really well, 1080i not always so well, even setting the Duo2 to 1080p will not improve it, i have the Ultimo 4k set to 2160p output and although Sky Movies HD looks alright, it doesn't look as good as 1080p sources, remember you have 4 times as many pixels on a UHD TV compared to a 1080P, it is at this point you start to notice the difference, 1080i only shows half the pixels per frame so when you understand that you understand why the quality gap is so noticeable.

22-04-17, 12:30
Using duo2 on dx902b and no blurring.

Duo2 is set to


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22-04-17, 12:39
Using duo2 on dx902b and no blurring.

Duo2 is set to


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

If thats the high end Panasonic, then it's not surprising. They still have all the Plasma experience and this TV uses all that technology and experience.

22-04-17, 14:25
I have the 802b and no problems here either maybe Panasonic have a slightly better upscaling engine, I have my duo 2 set to automatic resolution

22-04-17, 17:51
I had a play around with the automatic resolution yesterday but it just looked the same, got a notification on the samsung tv before saying "the current input resolution is low"

Im still considering upgrading to the uno4k im not expecting a big difference from it but if it sorts out the blurring on HD channels/EPG i will be happy

22-04-17, 18:28
There is definitely a setting somewhere that is incorrect. I get a tremendous HD picture with my VU+ duo 2 and my 4K Samsung TV which does the upscaling. Is your Hdmi lead the new high speed 2.0

22-04-17, 19:29
I have figured it out, after playing around with the settings on vu+ and nothing was changing i reset all the settings on the tv! Turned HDR+ on then played around with the expert settings, looks a lot better now