View Full Version : [OS-mini] Lost USB HDD

20-04-17, 20:40

I've been running 5.0.011 on my osmini when today I got the update available icon. I went to the image manager but it still had 5.0.011 as the latest image available for download so I just did a 'software upgrade' instead.

After it came back I noticed my epg wasn't populated fully and my picons were gone. I went to Backup manager to restore my settings but none were there and I instead got a message saying there was a problem with this device please reformat and try again. When I go to mount manager nothing is displayed.

Any advice?

20-04-17, 20:53
Check your usb cabling and power supply to the HDD. Take a look in your Storage Devices to see if your HDD is listed.

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20-04-17, 22:51
I've disconnected and reconnected the drive both power and usb. The drive has a status light that goes off when I turn off the osmini and comes on when I turn the osmini back on.

Where do I find the 'storage devices'? Within information/devices there is nothing listed to do with the HDD

*** Just for completeness The box was running 5.0.011. It seems to have occurred when 'software update to it to 5.0.013 ***

20-04-17, 23:24
Have just done software update on osmega from 5.0.011 to 5.0.013 via software update and it does not matter what I plug into rear usb it is not recognised or found in either mount manager or storage devices. Flashed back to 5.0.011 and rear usb now works fine again

21-04-17, 02:12
Did you unplug your usb before doing the update?

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21-04-17, 09:12
No the HDD was connected during the update.

21-04-17, 09:29
That is strange cos i use an 8GB USB for Picons on my OS MEGA.
Updated yesterday and didn't have same problem

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

21-04-17, 09:55
Mine is a Seagate 1TB powered USB HDD. Its been rock solid up until now. I've check all connections and tried the front usb port also but nothing doing.

It looks like I'll have to do a USB flash back to 5.0.011 and then reconnect the HDD and restore my settings.

21-04-17, 09:56
Re mount it. Blue button > vix > mount manager.

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21-04-17, 10:05
I'm at work just now so can't try anything but nothing is showing in mount manager.

I can remote to my pc so can telnet to the box check anything.

21-04-17, 10:09
The USB hdd, what type of can? Does it have one or two USB plugs?

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21-04-17, 10:27
The HDD is a Seagate USB 3 drive. It has a standard power jack and a single usb connector. Here is a link to it on Amazon;

I telnet'd into the box and ran a few commands. I wonder if the UUID has changed. The results are;

root@osmini:~# lsusb -v
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bc2:3312
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001

rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
UUID=cc15b7ee-bd46-4757-8714-7bb021982e85 /media/hdd auto defaults 0 0

root@osmini:~# mount /media/hdd
mount: mounting UUID=cc15b7ee-bd46-4757-8714-7bb021982e85 on /media/hdd failed: No such file or directory

***Edit - I'm not seeing anything in dmesg that suggests it's seeing the HDD. Also I'm not seeing anything in /dev that looks like a drive. ***

21-04-17, 11:29
The issue is most likely not enough power coming from USB port to power the size of the HDD. Get yourself a power adapter to power the HDD.

21-04-17, 11:32
Hi - It is powered using it's own PSU

21-04-17, 13:56
Re mount it. Blue button > vix > mount manager.

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No usb or Hdd is even seen by mount manager I tried 3 different usb sticks and my normal powered external hdd. 2 of the usbs have indicator lights which show they receive power but nothing is recognised. As soon as I go back to 5.0.011 or any of the earlier releases all sticks and external hdd work fine. Will try reflash after work without settings restore and see if that works.

21-04-17, 19:21
Well there is definitely something going on with usb hdd and 5.0.013.

I flashed back to 5.0.011 and my osmini could see my drive again and looking in /dev I could see sda and sda1.

As 5.0.013 is now available in the image manager I used that to flash 5.0.013 and I once again lost my usb HDD.

With 5.0.013 my osmini could see my 8GB fat32 pendrive but could not see my Seagate 3TB usb HDD ext drive.

I've attached the dmesg file from both 5.0.011 and 5.0.013.

Looks like I'll be staying on 5.0.011 for the time being.

22-04-17, 09:56
Another Edison Mini here has just done the same upgrading to 5.13.

No HDD recognised, tells me to reformat, nothing in mount manager, picons gone, EPG with no info.

Going to have to usb flash back a version.

22-04-17, 10:03
What happens on fresh flash and setup of build 5.0.013? Also are you able to re-initalise HDD using 5.0.013?

22-04-17, 10:06
Another Edison Mini here has just done the same upgrading to 5.13.

No HDD recognised, tells me to reformat, nothing in mount manager, picons gone, EPG with no info.

Going to have to usb flash back a version.

What build did you upgrade from?

22-04-17, 10:14
I'm going to have to guess .11 as I'm usually up to date.

22-04-17, 10:34
Just checked this out, issue in oe-a core, will be fixed in next build.

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22-04-17, 10:40
Flashed .11 and picons are back, nothing in my recordings still. I've tried to do a live recording and and I get an error message "Missing No HDD found or HDD not initialised!"

Guess I'll try .09 next. That's what I upgraded to from 4 so maybe I'll have more luck with that. :confused:

22-04-17, 11:18
5.11 failed but that was my error.

Flashed 5.09 and everything came back including backups so I was able to install my 5.11 backup without problem (except picons, but that's easily sorted).