View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Eir sport 2 HD missing

19-04-17, 20:37
Just updated my config files and ran Abm, eir sports 2 hd, sky sports news and sky sports 4 ROI have now disappeared. the only sky sports ROI channel I have left is roi 2.


19-04-17, 20:52
What version of ViX are you on? Menu > Info > About.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-04-17, 21:19
Sorry Andy it's the latest version 5.0.011 on solo 2.

Sky channels were ok before latest file update, have been ok since recent changes - sky sports ROI 4 was 404 etc

19-04-17, 21:45
Just try deleting Bouquet in ABM and then Start Scan. Once scanned exit back to your main tv and if you have a TV button on your remote, press that and it will bring up your Bouquets. Then look in the Sports Bouquet.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-04-17, 21:52
Just tried and still the same - do need any logs if so how do I get them?

abu baniaz
20-04-17, 00:00

20-04-17, 11:34

Thanks Andy See attached

20-04-17, 11:44
Just updated to 5.0.013 and its still the same after a scan, see below log


abu baniaz
20-04-17, 12:19
You have two providers enabled, which are you checking? In the custom provider area, you will find it at 460.

Why are you also scanning the RoI HD region?

< 179.444> [ABM-config] level: expert
< 179.447> [ABM-config] providers: sat_282_sky_uk:sdcustom_central_midlands:39:|sat_2 82_sky_irl:hd_republic_of_ireland:156:
< 179.448> [ABM-config] keepbouquets: All
< 179.450> [ABM-config] hidesections: |sat_282_sky_irl:101|sat_282_sky_irl:301|sat_282_s ky_irl:350|sat_282_sky_irl:401|sat_282_sky_irl:501 |sat_282_sky_irl:520|sat_282_sky_irl:580|sat_282_s ky_irl:601|sat_282_sky_irl:650|sat_282_sky_irl:700 |sat_282_sky_irl:780|sat_282_sky_irl:861|sat_282_s ky_irl:881|sat_282_sky_irl:889|sat_282_sky_irl:899 |sat_282_sky_irl:900|sat_282_sky_irl:950|sat_282_s ky_irl:1000|sat_282_sky_irl:1020|sat_282_sky_irl:1 030|sat_282_sky_irl:1050
< 179.452> [ABM-config] add provider prefix: False
< 179.454> [ABM-config] show in extensions menu: True
< 179.456> [ABM-config] placement: top
< 179.457> [ABM-config] skip services on non-configured satellites: True
< 179.459> [ABM-config] show non-indexed: True
< 179.462> [ABM-config] schedule: False

20-04-17, 12:44
Thats just how I've always had it setup and never had a problem, i will remove the irish provider and rescan shortly and let you know.

20-04-17, 12:59
I've removed it and rescanned, EIR Sports 2 HD is back but alot are missing see attached


abu baniaz
20-04-17, 13:01
Which bouquet are you checking?

abu baniaz
20-04-17, 13:05
You also have DSayers's mix downloader. That is for people mixing Vrigin with sky UK. Are you sure that is not conflicting?

20-04-17, 13:15
Dsayers is not running and has been on there for weeks.

I'm using central midlands custom. The bouquet on the screenshot is sports, mutv hd, by sports channels missing and more

abu baniaz
20-04-17, 13:18
Double check the custom folder and ensure there is no custom file.

Enable extra debug in ABM , run ABM and then attach new debug.

20-04-17, 13:32
See attached, i enabled extra debug in ABM does it right to the same log or is it somewhere else?

53525 53526


abu baniaz
20-04-17, 13:45
What is that file at the bottom of the custom folder?

20-04-17, 13:57

THis is the file, had to change to txt to upload.

20-04-17, 14:02
Well that’s embarrassing, I've deleted the file and rescanned and it’s all OK now. STRANGE

Sorry to have wasted your time :-(

abu baniaz
20-04-17, 14:04
My point is that you you said you were not using a custom mix file intended to remove channels and replace them. In reality, you are using such a file.

Delete the custom mix file, uninstall the custom mix file importer plugin, it is intended for people using Virgin and Sky.