View Full Version : OS MEGA Bouguet Setting in ABM for Terrestrial Tuners

18-04-17, 12:30
Dream Team ViX

Some time ago @Abu Baniaz explained a "neat trick" to get channel numbering in a standard order, WHILST AT THE SAME TIME maintaining separate bouquets for more than one ABM scan section by selecting "Yes (Custom)" for creating Main Bouquet for each of the section required in ABM, and then using a bouquet name that the user had created previously in the next step - neat trick!

I have recently purchased an OS Mega (and I have seen the same behaviour in the VU+ Solo2 USB terrestrial tuners); when selecting what to generate (Freeview in this example) the user only gets a choice of Yes or No for generating the main bouquet, so ultimately the channels are tagged on to the end of the satellite ABM scan (in my ABM order setup I have satellite first).

It would be really great if an option were provided to have terrestrial channels in their own "custom bouquet" just like the satellite ABM scans. Please Note I have tried a "Rename" in the bouquet section after the ABM generation for terrestrial section, however on nightly scheduled ABM scan, the "rename" reverts to the standard ABM naming.

Perhaps this feature can be added; in the meantime perhaps there is a work around by changing an ABM config file? Comments please and Thanks team ViX

abu baniaz
18-04-17, 12:50
ABM has separate bouquets for Terrestrial too. You should attach debug logs for ABM issues so your settings can be viewed easily.

See here:

Are you talking about running an ABM scan for terrestrial only, changing bouquet names so that they are no longer prefixed as ABM bouquets, then not running ABM for Terrestrial and keeping it as the first bouquet? If not, can you explain differently?

18-04-17, 14:07
Thanks @Abu Baniaz for replying - I don't believe the is a "bug", its the current design.

I am directly referring to the choices presented in ABM bouquet generation

FreeView (UK): Generate Main Bouquet: Yes / No are the only options
FreeSat UK: Generate Main Bouquet: Yes (Only HD) / Yes (Only FTA HD) / Yes (Custom) / Yes (all channels) / No

Selecting Yes (Custom) generating Satellite listings then prompts

FreeSat (UK): Custom Bouquet for Main: ...where you then enter a bouquet that you have previously created, which serves as a "separator" in the channels listing that are generated.

You can of course also tag the sections that are created with the "provider" name which is set in the ABM global settings - for my preferences this is a little cluttered

abu baniaz
18-04-17, 14:13
What have you got set in the config options? Simple or Expert.

post a picture of what you are seeing

abu baniaz
18-04-17, 14:17
Oh, I see. you mean you can't set a custom bouquet when using Freeview. That option is only available for providers who have blank at beginning. Freeview starts at 1, this is why it does not have that facility.

18-04-17, 14:34
Hi Abu Baniaz, Using Expert mode

Here is the screen shot for FreeView Only Yes/No available for "Main Bouquet", for FreeSat, you will see the "Yes custom"option and associated "Custom Bouquet" - in this example I have simply used Favourites (TV). Please understand this behaviour is what I see on the Vu+ Solo2 with the USB terrestrial tuner - "Custom Bouquet" does not appear to be implemented on any cable OR terrestrial tuner options




18-04-17, 23:31
Oh, I see. you mean you can't set a custom bouquet when using Freeview. That option is only available for providers who have blank at beginning. Freeview starts at 1, this is why it does not have that facility.

Hi @ Abu Baniaz, thanks for reply - sorry for being "stupid", not sure what you mean "providers who have blank at beginning"; can you please explain a little more. As I understand ABM manages channel numbering so I don't really understand; I see custom bouquet is available for Virgin and ALL 28.2 bouquest, as well as FreeSat? Thanks

abu baniaz
19-04-17, 00:22
Sky, Virgin and Freesat channels start at 101.
1-100 are blanks.
There is empty space so you can put things there.

Freeview, starts at 1.
There is no empty space.
You cannot put something into nothing.

19-04-17, 08:19
Sky, Virgin and Freesat channels start at 101.
1-100 are blanks.
There is empty space so you can put things there.

Freeview, starts at 1.
There is no empty space.
You cannot put something into nothing.

Hi Abu Baniaz,

I really don't understand as after the "first" bouquet is generated by ABM, the channel numbering is managed by ABM e.g. Freeview BBC is 2001, so if ABM applies the channel numbering, why is this a limitation for anything other than the first bouquet generated. In any event, why not number the "custom bouquet" "0" zero - it is a valid number?

Sorry for being pedantic, I understand what you say, but I don't get the logic.


abu baniaz
19-04-17, 08:25
How many channels can you put between 0 and 1.

19-04-17, 08:34
Well I did say I didn't understand the logic? The custom bouquet goes at the sections level e.g. <-----Free View Section----->, underneath this comes the sections contained in the ABM generation - could be "Main" (when custom not used) AND "Entertainment" AND "Movies" etc. The channels go inside the section headings, so I remain confused as to how channel numbers starting at 1 (when ABM applies its own numbers anyway), influences a "section name" which sits at the top of the bouquet sections in the channel lists


abu baniaz
19-04-17, 08:38
So you want to put a non-ABM bouquet after ABM Freesat but before ABM Freeview?

19-04-17, 09:26
Hi Abu Baniaz,

I really don't understand as after the "first" bouquet is generated by ABM, the channel numbering is managed by ABM e.g. Freeview BBC is 2001, so if ABM applies the channel numbering, why is this a limitation for anything other than the first bouquet generated. In any event, why not number the "custom bouquet" "0" zero - it is a valid number?

Sorry for being pedantic, I understand what you say, but I don't get the logic.

ABM does not 'apply the channel numbering', enigma2 does that. ABM just creates a list of channels. A list contains items. In this case the first item on the list is channel 1. There is no channel zero. And there never could be because zero is the panic button.

19-04-17, 19:10
So you want to put a non-ABM bouquet after ABM Freesat but before ABM Freeview?

ABM does not 'apply the channel numbering', enigma2 does that. ABM just creates a list of channels. A list contains items. In this case the first item on the list is channel 1. There is no channel zero. And there never could be because zero is the panic button.

mmmh I am beginning to understand - thanks both for bearing with me. Actually, it seems we are odds as we are using the functionality built into ABM for different reasons:

Abu Baniaz position supported by Huevos is that the custom bouquet is not able to take channels if the service starts its numbering from 1 - I get it now - thanks both.

I am coming from this differently. There are now such a huge number of bouquets you can generate - on the 28.2 Line up alone you have Ireland, UK and Freesat, then all of the others Freeview and SaorView and several cable providers also. Unless you "tag" the bouquet with the provider name in the ABM global options, it gets very busy as the sections repeat and repeat!! There is an alternative ABM in the plugins - AutoBouquets 28.2 by LraiZer; on its build it creates the top level bouquet, and then indents all of the sections - visually it is easy to see where a bouquet with its sections begins and ends.

What I do as the ABM features support it is create EMPTY BOUQUETS as service delimiters in the line up e.g.

<-----28.2 FreeSat UK----->
sections here
<----28.2 Northern Ireland SD----->
sections here

might be two examples and they remain empty - I would like to do this for <-----SaorView-----> - I never add stations, I just create empty bouquets to help with ABM service delimiting - it is a visual thing for TV listing.

I hope this explanation gives you a better understanding and thanks for taking the time out to explain.

abu baniaz
19-04-17, 23:34
I still don't understand what you want to insert at the beginning of Freeview.

The sections are indented.

There is no need to run all of them.

If you do run all of them, there is no need to create all of them. Maybe Favourites/Custom mix would suit your intentions.

20-04-17, 19:06
I still don't understand what you want to insert at the beginning of Freeview.

The sections are indented.

There is no need to run all of them.

If you do run all of them, there is no need to create all of them. Maybe Favourites/Custom mix would suit your intentions.

Perhaps this will help - I don't prefix the ABM scan with the provider, AND you will see nothing is indented. Here is an ABM mock-up - I have limited the sections to show the result I would like for Saorview - I DO NOT want to place channels in the "Custom Bouquet", just have a bouquet delimiter. This is a "use case" I read many moons ago, explained by @Abu Baniaz at the time if I recall; also by dropping the "main bouquet" you preserve the channel numbering in the first of the ABM bouquets.

It may be a little hard to read my comment, however the "All Channels" in yellow box is actually Saorview


abu baniaz
20-04-17, 19:38
There is no feature in ABM to add user markers. Good luck in your quest.

20-04-17, 20:27
There is no feature in ABM to add user markers. Good luck in your quest.

Call it a "user marker" or "empty custom bouquet", WITHOUT it all of the bouquets merge - you just repeat "Entertainment" etc. as many times as you generate the available bouquets, and as you see "Saorview" and "FreeView" just merge into the previous bouquet as ABM DOES not place any visual delimiters between the bouquets it generates!

To be honest, I can't find the post, and I think it goes back to 2014, but I believe @Abu Baniaz first put me on to this style I have shown above.

Any way back in 2014, there were only about three bouquets you could generate, now there are so many more with cable and terrestrial broadcast as well! I also noted the style of the alternative to ABM above where the sections are indented with "--" in front of them - kind of tabbed bullet list that works well IMHO.

Without being disrespectful, I do think there is a valid case to be made to you great guys for considering how you might visually make ABM section listing easier to read (accepting of course that you can prefix with provider but that makes multiple bouquets very busy).

Just a thought, and thanks for all of the great work - it is appreciated - its natural to want more!

20-04-17, 20:34
You do realise the same Abu is helping you now?
Also, don't understand what you want to do that can't be done.
As Abu suggests, have you tried using a favourites.xml or custom mix?

abu baniaz
20-04-17, 20:36
So put simply, you just want a blank header with the provider name before each provider's bouquets?

21-04-17, 09:00
You do realise the same Abu is helping you now?

Well @Judge, that is kind of unnecessary really don't you think!

Also, don't understand what you want to do that can't be done.

I thought the purpose of this forum was to discuss new ideas and bring new thoughts - I have taken a lot of time to write my thoughts, and provide screen shots using ABM standard functionality.

As Abu suggests, have you tried using a favourites.xml or custom mix?

For many people what ABM does out of the Box maintaining standard numbering in the first bouquet is enough. IMHO favourites is a single "bucket" that does not contain sections. For many many users of ViX, editing and changing LCN's etc. in "sat_282_freesat.xml" for example
(/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers) is something they don't want to tackle.


21-04-17, 09:03
So put simply, you just want a blank header with the provider name before each provider's bouquets?

Yes, thanks that is a great idea, and using the Autobouquet E2 model by LraiZer referred earlier, a small indent for the sections contained under the header might also be visually helpful - Thanks for sticking with me to a logical conclusion and for the many many times we conversed in the past.

24-04-17, 20:15
It seems to me if i understand his posts right, the ABM enhancement request he wants to propose, is to change a current 'prefix bouquet with provider' option with a multiple selection style option that mimics a similar bouquets 'Style' option as is currently in AB. The default style in AB has the category bouquets indented with a prefix of " -- " in the favourites list with a first bouquet not indented to clearly distinguish that the following category sub bouquets belong to 28.2e. If you change to 'Style 2' for example in AB, there is no longer any indentation in favourites list. It seems like he wants to be able to select a style option that instead of prefixing every bouquet belonging to 28.2e with 28.2e, instead simply adds a 28.2e marker at beginning of writing the 28.2e bouquets followed by indented sub category bouquets so to show they belong to the 28.2e marker, as is a similar style setup to the default settings in AB.

abu baniaz
24-04-17, 20:33
It seems to me if i understand his posts right
Therein lies the difficulty.

We actually had a similar request that was fulfilled for the setup screen, the options were shifted for each provider. I think it is a good idea. Better than adding prefix to name.

EDIT: screenshot attached

25-04-17, 22:24
I've added a styleable option similar to Abu's screen grab.

27-04-17, 18:47
It seems to me if i understand his posts right, the ABM enhancement request he wants to propose, is to change a current 'prefix bouquet with provider' option with a multiple selection style option that mimics a similar bouquets 'Style' option as is currently in AB. The default style in AB has the category bouquets indented with a prefix of " -- " in the favourites list with a first bouquet not indented to clearly distinguish that the following category sub bouquets belong to 28.2e. If you change to 'Style 2' for example in AB, there is no longer any indentation in favourites list. It seems like he wants to be able to select a style option that instead of prefixing every bouquet belonging to 28.2e with 28.2e, instead simply adds a 28.2e marker at beginning of writing the 28.2e bouquets followed by indented sub category bouquets so to show they belong to the 28.2e marker, as is a similar style setup to the default settings in AB.

Indeed you are 100% correct @LraiZer; that would be a wonderful solution. I had been using "empty custom bouquets" as alternative and for a "header" as identified by @Abu Baniaz; at some point a few years back I picked this idea up on the forum.

Anyway according to @Abu Baniz this would be difficult, however it seems @Huevos has added a
"styleable option similar to Abu's screen grab which I very much look forward to seeing.

I am not sure of the origin of the screen shot provided by @Abu Baniaz when he referred
We actually had a similar request that was fulfilled for the setup screen, the options were shifted for each provider. I think it is a good idea. Better than adding prefix to name. as I have never seen this in ABM, perhaps it was dropped.

Anyway THANKS ALL so much for working through this with me (especially @Abu Baniaz for sticking with me, @LraiZer for his AB and clarity, and @Huevos for a solution. Finally apologies that me terminology was a little off the mark!

30-04-17, 12:03
I've added a styleable option similar to Abu's screen grab.

I see ABM is available on github (https://github.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker), If someone has time, how do you take a cloned package from github and install on the ViX build? I would like to try the "mod" @Huevos made, Many Thanks Team

30-04-17, 19:21
Grab the 4 affected .py files from github. Place them in correct directory on the receiver. Restart the GUI. Delete the files. Run ABM.

plugin.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/plugin.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/plugin.py
setup.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/setup.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/setup.py
providerconfig.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/scanner/providerconfig.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/providerconfig.py
bouquetswriter.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/scanner/bouquetswriter.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/bouquetswriter.py

01-05-17, 13:36
Grab the 4 affected .py files from github. Place them in correct directory on the receiver. Restart the GUI. Delete the files. Run ABM.

plugin.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/plugin.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/plugin.py
setup.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/setup.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/setup.py
providerconfig.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/scanner/providerconfig.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/providerconfig.py
bouquetswriter.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/master/AutoBouquetsMaker/src/scanner/bouquetswriter.py) -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/bouquetswriter.py

BRILLIANT @Huevos - great feature, especially now ABM support so many services - THANKS!!!

Very small item showed up in testing, when enabling the feature in ABM Configuration Menu, a second "style of provider marker" entry is inserted in the menu structure - see attached screenshot. NOTE: this "second menu line item" is not present before you select "yes" for this new feature.



01-05-17, 16:26
BRILLIANT @Huevos - great feature, especially now ABM support so many services - THANKS!!!

Very small item showed up in testing, when enabling the feature in ABM Configuration Menu, a second "Style of provider marker"

Apologies @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos) I should have been clearer, the second "menu item" is actually "Style of bouquet marker", but no matter what configuration changes I select, I cannot seem to see any visual attribute changes with the "Style of bouquet marker", whereas the "Style of provider marker" inserts the "provider" as configured, and shown in your original post? !!Thanks again!!

Perhaps the "bouquet" style functionality is along the lines referred above by LraiZer (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?8344-LraiZer)

The default style in AB has the category bouquets indented with a prefix of " -- " in the favourites list with a first bouquet not indented to clearly distinguish that the following category sub bouquets belong to 28.2e. If you change to 'Style 2' for example in AB, there is no longer any indentation in favourites list. It seems like he wants to be able to select a style option that instead of prefixing every bouquet belonging to 28.2e with 28.2e, instead simply adds a 28.2e marker at beginning of writing the 28.2e bouquets followed by indented sub category bouquets so to show they belong to the 28.2e marker, as is a similar style setup to the default settings in AB.

That would be absolutely GREAT. Please advise if you have the time.

01-05-17, 17:07
Bouquet marker is insde channel lists.

01-05-17, 23:34
Bouquet marker is insde channel lists.

Understood, thanks BUT I am not seeing with my manual build? Perhaps I need an additional Python Script? Anyway, thanks for everything @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos), probably best I wait until "official" release and report. I really appreciate the changes you have made. !!Thanks!!

02-05-17, 11:56
Bouquet marker is insde channel lists.

For those interested @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos) with input from @abu baniaz (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?3027-abu-baniaz) has made some commits to ABM on Github (https://github.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/commits/master) to include "user styleable optional marker" for both ABM sections AND bouquets - please see example screenshots below which can be set in ABM configuration menu:

Sections Stylable Marker

Bouquets Styleable Marker

!!Thanks!! - IMHO it really does help break-up the sections and bouquets, reducing clutter and making more readable and user friendly

04-05-17, 18:21
Sky, Virgin and Freesat channels start at 101.
1-100 are blanks.
There is empty space so you can put things there.

Freeview, starts at 1.
There is no empty space.
You cannot put something into nothing.

I was wondering about numbering!!

Not sure how many TV channels feature on FreeView, but SaorView has 8, and as @abu baniaz (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?3027-abu-baniaz) quite rightly says starts at 1 - thanks for the detail explanations earlier in this post.

Given SoarView and FreeView channels start at 1 and FreeSat at start at 101, I am wondering if there is value in ABM preserving the "actual" bouquet channel number if SaorView or FreeView is the first bouquet in the provider order? Currently with SaorView "FIRST" (and only a 'main bouquet' generated), and FreeSat second in the provider order, the numbering for FreeSat bouquet starts at 1001 (if I recall correctly - or it might be 1101?)

Perhaps it is a little too pedantic of an idea that would work for "SaorView", however the available number space may not be enough for FreeView if all additional sections are generated. Thanks anyway - just wondering about numbering!

04-05-17, 21:07
Yes it is do-able with Saorview. You need a CustomMix file for Saorview. Combine Sky and Saorview. Sky and Saorview numbers would both be correct. If you need more info, ask.

04-05-17, 22:10
Yes it is do-able with Saorview. You need a CustomMix file for Saorview. Combine Sky and Saorview. Sky and Saorview numbers would both be correct. If you need more info, ask.

Thanks @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos), I did find the following very detailed instructions here (http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=98201695&postcount=12), however it looks very detailed and daunting! Am I being over cautious, and do you think a simple CustomMix file would achieve SaorView numbered correctly followed by FreeSat? Perhaps you have a link to simpler instructions?

I guess I would look for the "new" user styleable label for "SaorView", followed by a SaorView Main bouquet section only, then UK FreeSat Stylable Label, followed by each of the sections (without main) numbered correctly. I hope that makes sense?

05-05-17, 19:20
Yes it is do-able with Saorview. You need a CustomMix file for Saorview. Combine Sky and Saorview. Sky and Saorview numbers would both be correct. If you need more info, ask.

Thanks @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos), reference
If you need more info, ask - I do!!

So creating a sat_282_sky_uk_CustomMix.xml on path /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/custom that works as it says on the tin is straight forward; below is the contents of a test version I have created:

<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="1" target="1"></insert> <!-- RTE 1 HD -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="2" target="2"></insert> <!-- RTE 2 HD -->

In order to "insert" them with the preferred numbering I have to go to the ABM providers folder and edit sat_282_sky_uk.xml - the <sections> paragraph in one of either of the two ways as follows for the provider:

<section number="1">SaorView</section>
<section number="101">Entertainment</section>

or alternatively

<section number="1">Entertainment</section>

The first method creates a SaorView Section above Entertainment, the second version opens up the numbering space for the existing "Entertainment" section

The problem I see here is that the "providers" xml file is updated almost nightly at the moment, so how do I get the "section" edits in the providers .xml to stick?

That about summarises the problem, comments / instructions welcome - I can't find anything on a "custom providers" file?

06-05-17, 13:36
Thanks @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos), reference - I do!!

The problem I see here is that the "providers" xml file is updated almost nightly at the moment, so how do I get the "section" edits in the providers .xml to stick?

That about summarises the problem, comments / instructions welcome - I can't find anything on a "custom providers" file?

So what I have done...

1. Created a clone of the standard providers file located in usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\SystemPlugins\AutoB ouquetsMaker\providers (file name sat_282_sky_uk_sv.xml), and made two amendments - search file for AMMENDED comment; the new Bouquet is entitled Sky UK & SaorView. Essentially I did this to prevent ABM updates overwriting the 'custom' section.
2. Created a CustomMix file located in usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\SystemPlugins\AutoB ouquetsMaker\custom (file name sat_282_sky_uk_sv_CustomMix.xml - named according to the Bouquet in 1. above)
3. Run ABM and select the "Sky UK & SaorView" Bouquet (I create FTA only), next select SaorView for ABM generation (as you must generate for 'integration' use in the new Bouquet). You can choose to keep SaorView as a separate listing, OR answer 'No' to creating all sections - user preference
4. Do ABM Scan

Additional SaorView Section (Note - if you read previous post or below, you can amend the providers file to include SaorView channels in Entertainment section)

SaorView Numbering (and other sections numbering preserved, i.e. BBC 1 is 101, BBC 2 is 102, UTV is 103 etc.)


Note the .xml files have been re-named to .txt to upload.
I use the extended ViX backup feature to select and back-up these custom files
As channel line up's change on SaorView or Sky UK (I create FTA only), then the attached may need updating - the mods can easily be seen by using an editor like Notepad++. Should you wish the SaorView line-up to appear in "Entertainment" section (with numbering preserved), then see 'AMMENDED' comment in provider file, but essentially start 'Entertainment' section numbering from 1 instead of 101

If anyone does know how to create 'custom sections' for use in the providers file, please do let me know, as it would mean the standard providers file could be used.

That's it! - I hope it helps a few folks in Ireland.

07-05-17, 03:25
In order to "insert" them with the preferred numbering I have to go to the ABM providers folder and edit sat_282_sky_uk.xml - the <sections> paragraph in one of either of the two ways as follows for the provider:

<section number="1">SaorView</section>
<section number="101">Entertainment</section>

or alternatively

<section number="1">Entertainment</section>

The first method creates a SaorView Section above Entertainment, the second version opens up the numbering space for the existing "Entertainment" section

<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="1" target="1"></insert> <!-- RTE 1 HD -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="2" target="2"></insert> <!-- RTE 2 HD -->
<section number="1">Saorview</section>

No need to edit provider file.

07-05-17, 12:29
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="1" target="1"></insert> <!-- RTE 1 HD -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="2" target="2"></insert> <!-- RTE 2 HD -->
<section number="1">Saorview</section>

No need to edit provider file.

Brilliant - thanks very much @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos)!! Much better and cleaner solution.

So this is the code recommended by @Huevos (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/member.php?977-Huevos) for CustomMix file sat_282_sky_uk_CustomMix.xml The result is tested and exactly the same as screenshots posted in post #38

<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="1" target="1"></insert> <!-- RTE 1 HD -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="2" target="2"></insert> <!-- RTE 2 HD -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="3" target="3"></insert> <!-- TV3 -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="4" target="4"></insert> <!-- TG4 -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="5" target="5"></insert> <!-- 3e -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="6" target="6"></insert> <!-- be3 -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="7" target="7"></insert> <!-- RTE Junior -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="11" target="11"></insert> <!-- RTE One +1 -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="21" target="21"></insert> <!-- RTE News Now -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="22" target="22"></insert> <!-- Tithe an Oireachtais -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="23" target="23"></insert> <!-- SAORVIEW Information -->
<section number="1">SaorView</section>