View Full Version : EMC keeps changing bouquet on exit!

17-04-17, 10:06

I'm using OpenATV 6.0 on Edision OS3. I have noticed that after watching a recording in EMC when I return to watching TV it returns to the last channel I was watching but moves to a different bouquet! Is there a way to keep the bouquet on exit from EMC?

for example i was watching BBC1 in my 'Favourites' bouquet before opening EMC and watching a recording. On ending the playback and exiting EMC i was returned to BBC1 but it was in the 'Entertainment' bouquet. Can i make it return always to the last channel i was watyching in the same bouquet?


05-05-17, 13:45

I'm still having this issue can anyone help?

I'm presuming it's across all OE Alliance images?

It could be because I have alternatives setup and enabled but would like some help.


05-05-17, 13:50

I'm still having this issue can anyone help?

I'm presuming it's across all OE Alliance images?

It could be because I have alternatives setup and enabled but would like some help.

Simple question: For what do you need Enhanced Movie Center?
First plugin I remove if I`m using ATV image.

05-05-17, 15:45
Hi Tappari,

I guess I use it for same reasons you use the default media player. I like EMC,

it allows picons of channels you recorded movies etc from - so you can easily see where they were recorded.

It allows adding of Movie Covers, which is nice when scrolling through choices

My issue is not with EMC though, it's on exit...

05-05-17, 16:00
Hi Tappari,

I guess I use it for same reasons you use the default media player. I like EMC,

it allows picons of channels you recorded movies etc from - so you can easily see where they were recorded.

My issue is not with EMC though, it's on exit...
