View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-C] Horizon IE - Eurosport listed twice (missing 1 & 2)

16-04-17, 09:54
I've setup my DVB-C provider to be "Horizon IE"
I notice one little issue.
Channels Eurosport 1 & 2 are both called "Eurosport" (i.e. Eurosport is listed twice).
If I look in this file userbouquet.abm.cable_ie.400.tv I can see

#SERVICE 1:0:19:5de:41:601:ffff0000:0:0:0:
#SERVICE 1:0:19:5e0:41:601:ffff0000:0:0:0:

It causes a problem for OpenWebIF ... it only shows 1 entry for Eurosport.

Where is the source for these channels located? I might try to create a Pull Request if it's no big deal to fix

17-04-17, 22:20
Bump bump bump

abu baniaz
17-04-17, 23:11
It is an unfinished provider with people providing ambiguous feedback.

Please enable the extra debug too

You may wish to use LraiZer's cable plugin, that may fare better.

18-04-17, 21:47
Thanks abu
I've had a quick look around - I can find LraiZer's cable plugin but it's from 2016 (I assume there's a more recent one)
Do you know where I can find the latest?
This one here
seems to be for 28.2 and not cable

abu baniaz
19-04-17, 00:27
That is the most recent one. It is not on Github.

19-04-17, 02:43
Unless the users of this provider start providing full transport stream recordings and debug logs on a regular basis, and making themselves available to do dedicated testing it is highly unlikely this provider will ever be finished.

abu baniaz
19-04-17, 02:47
We have TS recording. One of the users has agreed to give access to his receiver

19-04-17, 03:17
if needed, you can have access to my receiver, when ever required

19-04-17, 09:01
We have a couple of ts recordings from one user that don't contain any useful information. Without systematically going though every transport stream we are never going to find the data we need to fix this provider. For me I have completely lost instert in this provider due to lack of feedback. We make a change and it takes hours or even days to get any response from users.

21-04-17, 00:22

Would you consider adding a rename to the servicehacks section of cable_ie.xml provider file to resolve the Eurosport naming issue. Based on my limited knowledge for this provider the service_name is populated with the provider_name to resolve an issue we had originally with incorrectly populated names. For Eurosport services (based on logs) this doesn't work.

I tested this in the cable_ie.xml (43217 Dublin HD) and the services are renamed...though the syntax used may not be correct :)

rename = {
# Eurosport
423: "Eurosport HD",
425: "Eurosport 2 HD"

# Rename channels
if "number" in service and service["number"] in rename:
service["provider_name"] = rename[service["number"]]
service["service_name"] = rename[service["number"]]
service["interactive_name"] = rename[service["number"]]