View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Basic question

12-04-17, 22:38

Just got my first Engima 2 box and having some problems getting it working - which I have half done but having some problems.

I have read a lot of guides but my question is quite basic.

I understand that you can scan manually to get a lot of channels or you can get AutoBouquet to just get a nice list of channels - say SKY UK - which I have done.

Once I have done a scan and got a list of channel - is it the AutoBouquet side that then shows me the info on the EPG or is that controlled by the part of Openvix under the separate menu?

As far as I can work out the EPG requires some form of storage either flash or external drive.

The problem I am having is that having done the SKY scan I am not getting all of the channels showing up on my list (although I know I can receive them as they are under manual scan) and also the details for every channel is not populating in the EPG - not sure if it is because I haven't set the EPG up properly.

abu baniaz
12-04-17, 22:42
What is your definition of EPG?
Which receiver do you have and what image are you using?

12-04-17, 22:43
ABM > Generates your Channel List. EPG > Populates your 7 Day Programme Guide. So don't confuse the two. Also EPG data is best stored to your HDD not to the flash!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
12-04-17, 22:56
If you are using AutoBoquetsMaker, it does not just make bouquets. It obtains the channel data too. For most people in the UK, there is no need to scan prior to running AutoBouquetsMaker.

Have a read of the following threads:




If you need help with ABM, please note this thread:

Attaching the logs will aid a speedy solution for ABM issues.

13-04-17, 20:16
Thanks - yes I was confused by the fact AB was also adding channel data but only on some of them.

I have got AB working and the EPG working.

Receiver is TM-Nano SE M2 Plus and I am using the most recent version of Openvix (installed yesterday).

Am I right in think that broadly speaking you can only have 1 'channel list' with the EPG - so if I did a manual scan would those channels then override my AB list or can they all live together?

abu baniaz
13-04-17, 20:29
Scanning does not add services to bouquets, apart from teh last scanned bouquet which contains the services added from the last scan

Bouquets only contain services you add to the bouquets. If you use a plugin like ABM, those bouquets will only have services the plugin added.

Services do not have to be in bouquets. There is only one list of services on the receiver that is used.

abu baniaz
13-04-17, 20:35
Thanks - yes I was confused by the fact AB was also adding channel data but only on some of them.

I presume you are not meaning EPG.

The channels added by AutoBouquetsMaker or AutoBouquets are dependent on your selections. If you are not getting all the services and have to resort to manual scanning, your options may need altering. They are two different plugins, so please use common abbreviations of "ABM" or "AB 28.2" depending on the one you are using.

14-04-17, 03:35
When using ABM you can choose a number of variants- what does the custom do? I can't seem to find any guidance on it.

Is it possible for me to use the full SKY list but then delete specific channels out of it? I would still want to keep the overall numbering scheme but just remove or hide specific channels (not categories)

14-04-17, 05:55

Just got my first Engima 2 box and having some problems getting it working - which I have half done but having some problems.

I have read a lot of guides but my question is quite basic.

I understand that you can scan manually to get a lot of channels or you can get AutoBouquet to just get a nice list of channels - say SKY UK - which I have done.

Once I have done a scan and got a list of channel - is it the AutoBouquet side that then shows me the info on the EPG or is that controlled by the part of Openvix under the separate menu?

As far as I can work out the EPG requires some form of storage either flash or external drive.

The problem I am having is that having done the SKY scan I am not getting all of the channels showing up on my list (although I know I can receive them as they are under manual scan) and also the details for every channel is not populating in the EPG - not sure if it is because I haven't set the EPG up properly.

Don't store epg in flash.
There are guides on here for setting up crossepg (opentv) to run and populate for Sky UK.

14-04-17, 05:59
When using ABM you can choose a number of variants- what does the custom do? I can't seem to find any guidance on it.

Is it possible for me to use the full SKY list but then delete specific channels out of it? I would still want to keep the overall numbering scheme but just remove or hide specific channels (not categories)

ABM is highly customizable, you can not manually delete channels because it will knock your current numbering out of sync with channels randomly appearing elsewhere, you can hide certain channels every time you scan but you would have to learn how to blacklist these channels which will be a steep learning curve for you.

14-04-17, 06:44
You can just use a custommix to delete them no need to blacklist


<!-- Delete unwanted channels -->
<delete target="422"></delete>
<delete target="555"></delete>

Just choose the channel numbers you want to delete

ABM your area custom will remove all unavailable channels anyway

14-04-17, 18:12
I think I have spent about 10 hours solid learning the last few days and almost have my setup done so willing to read up on stuff.

abu baniaz
14-04-17, 18:24
When using ABM you can choose a number of variants- what does the custom do? I can't seem to find any guidance on it.

The guidance is here