View Full Version : [ET10x00] Tuner not released when scheduled recording finished.

10-04-17, 21:48
Hi folks,

I strongly suspect I'm missing something. Am only new to using openvix on my xtrend box. So apologies if I missed an obvious step.

I flashed my XTrend box to 5.0.007 recently. I restored my settings. I quickly noticed I had a problem with my scheduled recordings. When the recording finished, the tuner 'appears to remain in use'. What I mean is:
-> After a restart (everything is clean after a restart), if I look at one satellite channel and press OK on the remote I see 'Tuner A' on the bottom right of the epg
-> Next, during - and after - a scheduled recording, I can still watch satellite tv but now if I press OK I see 'Tuner AB' (B in red) on the bottom right of the epg.
-> If a second recording starts (a day or two later - I don't record much) I can now only watch what the recording tuner is tuned to.
-> After that recording ends, if I go into standby/then resume from standby I get 'no Tuner available'.

A restart (from the menu) clears the problem... until the next recording. Because it's completely repeatable, I can work around it quite easily. But it's annoying!

So - I reflashed to 5.0.007 and this time didn't restore my settings. Just configured the tuners from scratch. The problem persisted. I just thought (given Vix 5. is kinda new) I would wait for an update or two and see what happened. But after updating (couch flash) to .008 and then to .009 the problem still persists.

So I thought I would report it here! Has anyone else had a similar experience with an XTrend box? What can I do to help myself - even in terms of supplying decent information to you guys!

Thanks and regards - flintdk.

11-04-17, 07:55
Hi flintdk,
I flashed my Xtrend (ET10000) to 5.0.11 yesterday evening. All seemed fine.
However I did have some scheduled recordings later in the evening and noticed the box flashing "REC" still this morning whilst on standby.
Briefly switched the box on / went to "list" recorded programs and nothing showing as red / active.
So I do suspect a related bug.
Not had time to investigate in detail as yet.

But I'm sure the devoted Openvix team will have a fix up their sleeves.
Seen lots of changes over the past couple of years to it / used nearly every build and revision :)

11-04-17, 08:49
1. Same issue with a TM Nano SE M2 Plus on 5.2.007 through 009.

2. Recording playback issues (could not 'rewind' during playback) on the Nano.

3. CFIS network connection between boxes fails under 5.x.xx too.

4. Swapped back to 2x trusty old TM Twins last night, running 4.2.30 and all is well.

5. I normally like to keep up-to-date with images, but the newer releases seem to bring new problems for the TM Nano series.

6. Will always stay with OpenViX, but will wait (and read everything on the forum!) before going back into the 5.x.xx image releases.

11-04-17, 09:02
Are your boxes open to the internet?

Menu -> Information -> Streaming clients info will tell you if someone is accessing your tuners.

11-04-17, 10:45
Morning ccs,

Thanks for the reply. Nope - nothing on my lan is open to the internet. I'm not familiar with vix - but I knows my networking, so I does! I will of course double check when I get home though (to be sure).

For what it's worth - as I was posting last night I notice I was getting the 'update available' blink on the box. So this morning before work I:
-> couch flashed to .011
-> scheduled a quick recording (a five minute cartoon on one of the kids channels)
-> let it run to completion.

... then afterwards checked and all seemed well! I was rushing - it didn't have time to double check anything - but it certainly seemed as if the update to .011 had cured my issue. I won't be home until this evening. When I do get in I'll do another test or two and post an update here.

11-04-17, 20:53
Good evening folks,

OK... patience is a virtue. I guess I just should have waited another day :-) Since I updated to 5.0.011 this morning my problem seems to be gone. First let me confirm there was no-one accessing my tuners - I did double check if there were no streaming clients. I then scheduled two recordings this evening, both ran and completed and released the tuners at the end no problem.

So whatever the change in 5.0.011 was - many thanks - my vix appears to be shiny and working 100% again. I'll let the normal scheduled recordings run at the weekend (MOTD and MOTD2!!) and if they do cause a problem will update again. But I have to say everything looks rosy in the garden once more.

Thanks for the input - it's great knowing there's support out there when things go a bit wrong, flintdk.

18-06-17, 21:37
Evening folks,

Sorry to dredge up the past but... I'm actually still a bit stuck with this issue:

-> My initial belief that the problem was related to recording was wrong - I was focused on that as the cause so to some extent, when I reported 'cured!' after that update, I saw what I wanted to see.

-> The actual problem is that 'something' is using my tuners and not releasing them. I can solve the problem easily with a restart. When, for example, I switched on this evening I was greeted with the now familiar 'No free tuner!' message. I checked if there were any streaming clients (no). I rebooted and both my satellite tuners were free again.

I have four tuners. This problem only affects the two satellite tuners. The tuners for the terrestrial stations are unaffected. Given I started this thread specifically for 'tuners not released after recording'... should I just start a new thread? ?Unsure? of the convention here :o

Thks - flintdk.

19-06-17, 03:23
Unplug the network cable from your box and see if it resolves it.

19-06-17, 15:20
Unusual suggestion! OK - I just checked the receiver. One tuner in use, one free (I'm checking just by clicking the OK button - the mini-epg that pops up on screen shows the tuners in use).

I unplugged the network cable. Then I restarted the box and verified only one tuner was in use. Now I'll wait and see...

19-06-17, 15:21
Sorry - for absolute clarity - one tuner 'mysteriously in use' - and one being used by me. I shouldn't have said 'free' (I was thinking 'available for me to use').

20-06-17, 20:39
I think the idea behind unplugging the network cable is to see if the used tuner then becomes available. So unplug and then monitor tuner usage.

20-06-17, 22:20
OK - so after 1 day with the network cable plugged out:
-> 1 tuner mysteriously in use (bad... :-( )
-> 1 still available

I have not restarted the receiver. Will leave it as is and see if the second tuner gets used up overnight tonight. And post again tomorrow.

abu baniaz
21-06-17, 03:17
What is the hardware tuner configuration? Be as descriptive as possible please.

Can you consider attaching the debug logs as these may show what the issue is.

21-06-17, 08:08
OK - so after 1 day with the network cable plugged out:
-> 1 tuner mysteriously in use (bad... :-( )

Surely that is the tuner you are using to watch TV in order to see which tuner is being used and/or the tuner fetching an on air epg.

-> 1 still available

21-06-17, 20:03
@adm - no - if I've explained myself poorly I apologise. Something I haven't identified yet is taking and holding onto a tuner each night.

21-06-17, 20:06
To the thread in general:
I just checked the box and as expected both DVB-S2 tuners are in use. I can watch terrestrial tv but if I select a satellite station from the EPG I get no free tuner.

My tuner configuration is:
Tuner A: DVB-S2, DiSEqC A/B/C/D, Sats 19.2E Astra, 28.2E Astra2E, 13.0E Eutelsat HotBird, none
Tuner B: DVB-S2, DiSEqC A/B/C/D, Sats 19.2E Astra, 28.2E Astra2E, 13.0E Eutelsat HotBird, none
Tuner C: DVB-T2
Tuner D: DVB-T2

21-06-17, 20:12
@abu baniaz: Hmm... debug logs...

OK - confession time! I wasn't aware of the debug logs. I've just looked them up here on the forum and can see the menu setting to enable them. So - I have no debug logs at the moment but as of about 1 minute ago they are enabled (I'm restarting the receiver now). So sorry - I have no logs to post tonight, but I will let the receiver run for the next two days and post the logs then!

Thank you for the suggestion - I'm sure the extra information will help move things along.

abu baniaz
21-06-17, 20:45
Sorry to ask. Just to clarify, do you have a multi dish/lnb setup, two diseqc switches, and a wires from both switches to both tuners?

21-06-17, 20:58
@abu baniaz - happy to clarify. Still finding my feet around here - should probably have posted all of this information at the start:

Yes - I have a single 90cm dish, carrying three quad lnb's on a multi-lnb arm (home made!?? but works fine). Astra1 at the prime focus and Astra2/Hotbird off to the two sides a bit. There are four switches. One cable from each lnb goes to each switch (so each switch has three inputs/feeds). Two of the switches feed two cables down to my front room (this is currently unused - there's nothing connected to it). And two of the switches feed two cables down to my back room - which is where the et10000 is.

I'm just getting to grips with with enigma2 receivers - when I last used satellite receivers years ago they were a lot, lot more primitive!

23-06-17, 22:14
Evening all,

After two days (with no network cable, debug logs enabled), once again both my satellite tuners were 'mysteriously in use'. So - I plugged back in the network cable an transferred off the debug logs. I've tried to attach them - hopefully this works!

23-06-17, 22:43
You may have a problem with crossepg not releasing the tuner. You seem to be using it for multiple providers. Try using it for 28e only and see how you go.

23-06-17, 23:37
@ronand - there was a fairy... her name was Nuff... (FairyNuff)!

I've disabled the Sky Italia Open TV (HotBird on 13.0) provider.

If I was to look at the debug logs myself - what lead you to suggest that? I'd like to learn a little how to support myself (so I don't have to bother the good folks here with every last thing). Thks! :D

24-06-17, 00:03
You have ruled out external causes by removing the network cable. There are not many things that will use a tuner - recording and downloading from opentv epg sources. Its just a matter of trial and error until you find what is causing it. I didnt look at all of the log - not enough time! If you want to look at it yourself then use notepad++

abu baniaz
24-06-17, 00:16
What are your settings for timeshift?

25-06-17, 22:51
@ronand - thankyou - very - much.
Two days later and... my tuners are just fine. That does seem to have sorted things. I will monitor for another couple of days and then - for pig iron - re-enable the second OpenTV provider (for HotBird) and see if the problem reappears. Sweeet - I am pretty happy.

@abu baniaz: It doesn't seem to matter now but - for completeness:
-> Auto start timeshift: disabled
-> Show warning when timeshift is stopped: yes
-> Timeshift save action on zap: ask user
-> Stop timeshift while recording: no
-> Use timeshift seekbar while timeshifting: yes
-> Show warning when in a stream: yes
I'm pretty sure they are the defaults - I don't recall ever tampering with the timeshift settings.

25-06-17, 22:52
To all:
If I monitor for another couple of days and verify this is the cause of the tuner getting locked... do I report a bug? Start a new thread? Etc.? Appreciate the advice... thks, flintdk,

abu baniaz
26-06-17, 00:58
Just post the exact steps to reproduce the issue.

30-06-17, 09:46
Just to keep the thread alive - I've left the box, checking it each day - and the problem hasn't reoccurred. So tonight I'm going to enable the Sky Italia Open TV (HotBird on 13.0) provider on CrossEPG and see if the problem comes back. Sorry for the slow replies - I effectively have to wait a day each time to check whether things are working or not. If the problem comes back (I would expect it to), I'll post again with confirmation.

05-07-17, 20:39
Evening folks,

OK - so I've had several days to verify both the solution and the cause of the problem. I have three lnb's on my dish as described above on the thread. On my XTrend ET10000 if I take the following steps:
Menu -> Setup -> System -> EPG -> CrossEPG -> OpenTV providers

I can select from two providers. If I select both (Sky Italia and Sky UK) then each night when the EPG updates one of my satellite tuners get locked and not released. A restart fixes the problem - so it's no big deal. But it is a bit irritating! If I unselect one (I have unticked Sky Italia) then the EPG update works fine and the tuner doesn't get locked.

If there's any further information I can provide feel free to ask. I guess this is an unusual use-case, but there you go.

05-07-17, 20:44
There is a simple way to get it all working - use crossepg for 28e and use epgimporter for sky IT. In epgimporter select Rytec Italy as a source. This downloads from the internet so there is no fear of locking up a tuner.

05-07-17, 21:33
@ronand - thanks for that. That is in fact what I have done :-). I just wanted to post the exact steps to reproduce the problem on my machine in case it would help identify a bug - and perhaps lead to a resolution. :)

I'm pretty happy right now - I hadn't had a satellite receiver in years and what I have now, for a free service, is pretty amazing. Thank you again (and to everyone else) for your input, it's much appreciated!