View Full Version : Navigate MKV Chapters

16-01-11, 19:01
Hey Guys,

I've copied a concert mkv to the Duo and am looking for a way to skip through the chapters (i.e. go to next song). I've checked with handbrake and the chapters are in the MKV.

From looking at help, it looks like pressing blue might help, but the button mappings are different on Vix....anyone know how to skip through chapters? Or if it could be possible to put markers, similar to the way you can with recorded ts?

16-01-11, 20:30
Dont think u can skip chapters with mkv on duo as far as iam aware as i also send mkv files to duo its one file but you can ff fwd by using the 1 & or 3 on the keypad

Does that help

16-01-11, 21:47
Yeh, I'm currently using 7 & 9 to go forward 5mins.

Was just hoping there might have been a way to skip thru the chapters :)