View Full Version : [VU+ Zero] Mgcamd needs to be restarted

07-04-17, 21:15
I'm having to restart mgcamd138c every so often to get my channels working again. I looked into this but couldnt find any solution to it so far.
I have tried removing my other cam plugins, and adding keepalive=30 to my file.

Please help- its becoming a real nuisance!

Many thanks

07-04-17, 21:21
Oscam is the best cam to use.

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07-04-17, 21:29
Oscam? Took me an absolute age to get mgcamd working! So where do I start with this -any pointers?
To be fair, mgcam had worked fine until recently - is there anything i can do to get it back to like it was before..?

07-04-17, 21:37
In Softcam settings do you have Mgcamd 1.38 set to AutoStart? Blue Button > Softcam Manager

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07-04-17, 22:19
Yes it's set to autostart - i even changed the refresh interval to 1 min but still no difference

07-04-17, 23:15
Try cccam and if not read up on oscam section of the forum took me a while to get it but you can tweek oscam a lot to get it running sweetly it's worth it in the end.

john doe
08-04-17, 08:00
I startde with CCCam, then mgcamd, now am on oscam (wish I learnt it sooner), oscam far better than other cams. also ncam works fantastic.

oscam took me about a full whole day to read up, look at forums and setup the files.

08-04-17, 19:43
Change the following attributes on your mgcamd file as follows:

K: { 10}
N: { 07 } 5 30
G: { 01 }

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

08-04-17, 22:31
i'll certainly be looking up on how to move from mgcamd to oscam, when i have a day free. ccam is SO easy though.. wish the others were the same.


apart from K: the other settings were the same as you suggested. I have changed timeout to 10 so lets see if that helps! oddly enough i never had any issues before updating to 5.0

john doe
09-04-17, 08:38
i'll certainly be looking up on how to move from mgcamd to oscam, when i have a day free. ccam is SO easy though.. wish the others were the same.


apart from K: the other settings were the same as you suggested. I have changed timeout to 10 so lets see if that helps! oddly enough i never had any issues before updating to 5.0

oscam sound very difficult, but it not. if you read up first and then play around with the config files

09-04-17, 13:14
When I used to use mgcamd years ago having the L line set to log would cause the cam to lock up so check that and disable logging to see if that improves things?

09-04-17, 22:53
i have disabled logs - hope that sorts things out! thanks for the tip :)

10-04-17, 12:24
Hi I sent you a pm . For a guide to set up Oscam

10-04-17, 22:58
Mgcamd 138 STILL keeps switching off :mad: Gonna have a go at oscam but its frustrating it was working before I updated, now its pissing me off!

10-04-17, 23:09
Mgcamd 138 STILL keeps switching off :mad: Gonna have a go at oscam but its frustrating it was working before I updated, now its pissing me off!
Could you try MgCamd 1.35A?
That's what I'm using and it's stable.

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18-04-17, 20:37
Could you share your config files? I just can't get stability using mgcamd on this Edision OS mini

19-04-17, 07:58
Could you share your config files? I just can't get stability using mgcamd on this Edision OS mini
You referring to me?
If yes, i will upload my mgcamd file later this evening

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

19-04-17, 19:58
Hi all,
Just to add to the weight behind the OP's question, i run a VUduo2 and started to move away from CCCAM about 6 months ago.
I also get MGCAMD stopping and need restarting, or it doesn't automaticaly start on startup though it is selected to do so.
I'm watching this thread with hopefully a solution.

With OSCAM, i do get an issue with multi tuners. If i'm recording something and watching something, only one is successful, teh other is a blank screen. Just somehting to note with oscam.

19-04-17, 20:09
Absolutely no issues with Oscam here. Must be your config files/setup. I have FBC-Sat tuners and record loads n have no issues.

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19-04-17, 21:52
File attached, MOD please remove if not allowed

20-04-17, 14:10
I knows it's not the answer but can you guys not use oscam? I moved to it long ago and never looked back, found all the info I needed by doing a search on here and on google.

20-04-17, 16:16
With OSCAM, i do get an issue with multi tuners. If i'm recording something and watching something, only one is successful, teh other is a blank screen. Just somehting to note with oscam.

This must be an issue with your setup. I and many others run Oscam on several multi tuner boxes without issue.

With the increasing move to arm processor based boxes by manufacturers it is better to bite the bullet now and move to Oscam as there is no other choice for them.

20-04-17, 18:46
I also have no issues with recordings, i have an et10000 with 2 sat and 2 cable tuners.

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21-04-17, 09:14
I'm sure I have an mg.cfg file when I used to use mgcamd I'll see if I can locate it and will upload it as I had no issues when I used to use it.

21-04-17, 10:30
There are like 4 different oscams to pick in the softcams secton . Oscam PSCD somethig like that?
Which one is the best?

21-04-17, 10:46
Oscam Latest is all you need.

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19-08-17, 09:30
I have exactly the same problem with MGCam. Its oly started happening over the last few months. I have to restart it maybe once a day. Pretty frustrating if you set up timers only to find a blank screen. It might need to be Oscam for me too, guess I will need to do a bit of reading up first.

19-08-17, 10:23
just a query with people and issues are you using 1.38 and have it set to autostart and box is hard wired?

19-08-17, 11:05
I am using 1.35a and autostart is enabled. I used to run 1.38 ages ago and switched to 1.35 because it was more reliable. I will give 1.38 another go and find out if it needs to be restarted periodically and post back with my findings.

19-08-17, 11:10
1.38 is rock solid, providing you have good config files. But you'll never beat Oscam, complete different kettle of fish and loads better imo.

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19-08-17, 12:56
multi tuner boxes need 1.38 to be used and even use it on my single tuner boxes.

20-08-17, 14:06
Had to restart 1.38 this morning :confused:

20-08-17, 14:48
as advised by Andy Hazza ,mgcamd with good mg.cfg or better still oscam, a little more difficult,but not too much, but worth the effort .Just to add there is a later version of mgcamd 1.45, if you want to try that

20-08-17, 15:27
Had to restart 1.38 this morning :confused:

You will find that does happen with Mgcamd.

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20-08-17, 15:36
I have honestly never had an issue with having to restart MGCam before. Only started happening recently. Anyway I bit the bullet and setup Oscam. I got there after a little bit of working out. Up and Running and hopefully no restarts required !!