View Full Version : [CrossEPG-Config] Layout

05-04-17, 22:35
Good evening

I received my Mutant HD1500 box yesterday and got it all set up with sky. I got crossEPG set up and HD blue skin. My only bug bear is how the epg is layed out.
Is there a way too have all channels listed on the full EPG and not having to scroll left and right between sports movies FTV channels and entrainment ect. Not sure if it's a dying that can be adjusted or I'll need to stuck it up and get used to it.



abu baniaz
05-04-17, 22:36
How you make your bouquets is up to you. CrossEPG does nothing with bouquets.

abu baniaz
05-04-17, 22:46
How have you made your bouquets?

05-04-17, 22:49
Use 'all channels' bouquet assuming you used autobouquetsmaker.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
05-04-17, 22:54
if he has used ABM, he will have to change the default settings so that he has the all channels bouquet next time ABM runs. Make sure ABM config is set to expert first, otherwise the options are not visible.

06-04-17, 10:55
Hi Guys

Thanks for the reply, i will have a look in the settings tonight and see what options it gives,

Yes i used the ABM