View Full Version : Epg issue xtream-editor.com and iptv-epg

02-04-17, 03:25

So I am using xtream - editor and iotv-epg to get my epg on a vu solo 2 for my iptv, the issue I have is the code is always an hour out ie it is displaying the program starting an hour earlier than it should. I have adjusted xtream - editor to be the correct time shift but no matter what I choose it always displays as wrong.

I have downloaded the m3u it provides and it has the correct time shift info in it, so I am wondering if it had stored it somewhere and need to be edited or something like that?

Anyone else using these options that can help?

02-04-17, 12:25
are the IPTV stations from your region? If not then I think it is a timezone problem.


02-04-17, 21:28
No i am in New Zealand and the streams are UK and USA, i have logged a support ticket with Xtream Editor and their reply was because an enigma2 box doesn't use the m3u file the time shift setting i set there don't matter on their site and it is a local setting on the box.

My time zone is set correctly, NZ time +12 GMT, so is there another setting somewhere i am missing? i have checked the manual but that didn't say too much about it?

02-04-17, 21:43
I don't suppose this is at all relevant, but UK time changed from GMT to GMT+1 a week ago (British Summer Time).

02-04-17, 21:49
possibly, we just had our DLS time change on Sunday NZ time, so clocks back an hour, but i would have thought this shouldn't have mattered and should automatically adjust? it was an issue before our change as well.

I did delete the EPG and reload so it is fresh as well.

02-04-17, 21:53
Deleting the epg isn't always as easy as it might seem - how did you do it?

02-04-17, 21:55
menu - system - EPG - load/save/delete then delete, i think that was the menu structure. The guide had completely gone having deleted this way, i also have it setup to delete the guide when importing under EPG-importer.

is there another way?

02-04-17, 22:07
If there are problems deleting the epg, this will help....


02-04-17, 22:20
thanks will give that a go

04-04-17, 00:37
ok so deleted the EPG using the above method and reloaded, still no luck, i adjust the time zone setting to +13 and +11 to see if that made any difference and all it did was change the time accordingly with the EPG still out by an hour.

I am guessing it is an issue with the EPG being delivered from xtream editor, is there any way of looking at the EPG.dat file?

04-04-17, 07:41
Turns out it was to do with iptv-epg. Com and their feed, they have an issue with summer time not being picked up correctly, hopefully they have a fix soon!

Thanks all so tried to help

04-04-17, 14:21
Sorry closed, no support for xstream here.