View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Vix 5.0 image won't complete install

29-03-17, 21:59
Hi guys, I reflashed my 4.2 image with 5.0 using restore and ensuring went perfectly.

All my restore points are back up and running without a problem.

My mates got the same duo2 box (maybe 2 years older ) And running 4.1 image. He's tried exactly the same process with the 5.0 image but his box stalls at the restore point and just hangs. He's tried different USB sticks but gets the same problem.

He says it goes to a old fashioned kernel screen with 2 huge blocks across the screen like its out of the 70's,gets to restore some then hands on the 'please wait 'screen .

Any ideas what could be causing 2 almost identical boxes to act so differently?

29-03-17, 22:02
If by restore you mean restore settings and plugins, you can do this from 4.2 to 5.0, but not from 4.1 to 5.0.

4.1 will need a reflash with no settings/plugins restore.

29-03-17, 23:54
If by restore you mean restore settings and plugins, you can do this from 4.2 to 5.0, but not from 4.1 to 5.0.

4.1 will need a reflash with no settings/plugins restore.

Ahh, that would make sense. Would it be easier for him to upgrade his firmware to 4.2 so he can save his settings otherwise he's effectively starting his box from scratch?

Just asked him and he can't access the update menu to upgrade his 4.1, it just says no update available.

30-03-17, 02:03
He can download it here then save.


abu baniaz
30-03-17, 06:01
We only recently added the facility to use older Vix Backup settings after some changes. If you flash 4.2, you won't be able to restore a Vix settings backup from 4.1

30-03-17, 07:30
Ahh fair enough, it looks like either way he's stuck. If he flashes 4.2 or 5 he will have to rebuild his settings from scratch.

Thanks for the replies.

25-06-17, 15:02
I'm probably right in saying that we're not all geeks that like to use putty, FTP etc, we just want to watch EastEnders ;) .

That said, I find it baffling that such a great programming team that created such a wonderful user friendly software such as Vix, then draws a blank when it comes to upgrading, and think writing guides on how to upgrade Vix to every new version is the best way to go.

Come on, really, how hard is it to write something that copies timers.xml, autotimers.xml, settings, cam config files, etc and import them into the next update?

I can hear you saying...but new versions have new code and functions. Ok, granted. But why can't these new additional settings be brought up on a wizard at the end of the install and set then, or left as default until reset by the user.

I'm not a programmer, but I've paid for lots of apps and enhancements using Freelancer, Rentacoder etc I've commissioned much more than a copy / paste of settings files, it was done the same day and for cheap. if the Vix coders don't have the time to do this themselves, would you consider getting some help for version 6 at least?

It's not that we can't follow a guide or we're too lazy to copy a load of settings files to and frow using FTP copying from different folders within Vix, then restore them all, - it's, this is 2017 not the 1980's when we had no choice in having to manually copy and paste files... because DOS was all we had.

Really guys "upgrade from a previous version" in 2017 is upgrade 101. This glitch could easily be fixed gong forward. If you don't have the time, maybe you could set up a "Rentacoder fund me page" I'm guessing even if it was outsourced to a USA or UK coder, it would probably cost less than $25 for a simple routine such as this. Maybe half, from elsewhere in the would.

Before I'm shot down, ^^ this is my feedback as a user, and I'd like to lose the headache of setting aside an hour or so, to read the guides, do all the backups, fire up the laptop, then having to suffer the OH worries of losing their favourite auto-timers and blue HD skin, etc when all I'm trying to do is upgrade from v4.1 to the next version.

abu baniaz
25-06-17, 15:09
We have already done this. The minimum version you can restore from is 4.2. Older images used to list installed items which were dependencies.

You can hire me to help you over Teamviewer. Charge is 5 pound donation to a charity of your choosing.

abu baniaz
25-06-17, 15:15
The acceptance of true/True and false/False was comitted, but got reversed.

25-06-17, 16:09
We have already done this. The minimum version you can restore from is 4.2. Older images used to list installed items which were dependencies.

You can hire me to help you over Teamviewer. Charge is 5 pound donation to a charity of your choosing.

Humble apologies, I have 4.1 and according to this thread upgrading to 4.2 is not possible, therefore I may as well upgrade to the latest version. I mistakenly thought this issue hadn't been resolved. I now see the holy grail is from version 4.2 onward.

I'll follow the guide on a manual upgrade and copy all the files over in the happy knowledge this will be the last time I will need to do it. Well done guys :)

Thanks for the offer Abu, I'd happily pay double if you just keep the OH occupied for time it takes me to sort it, I'm less likely to mess it up if there's no one breathing down my neck verbalising their worry -"Will it all come back on as before" ....and "How long will this take - it's set to record something in an hours time" ;) .
